It's been awhile.

It's been almost five years since I bought the Beyerdynamic DT440. Recently they broke.

What started with cracks in the frame, ended in the right speaker falling of. No excessive force, that speaker simply fell off. Great.

Guess it's time for something new.
Sennheiser HD 201
u should burn for this
they are shite, so shite that its not even funny
beyerdynamics DT-770 pro :)
money well spent or you hardly used them?
Used them somewhat regularly so it was money well spent. However, I wouldn't buy them again. I'm somewhat disappointed by build quality (too much (cheap) plastic).
I'd like to add that's it's not only the plastic but the design in general. The cracks actually are where you'd expect them to be. Newer DT 440 have pretty much the same design just with a different material (at least that is what it seems like). So, the problems will remain.
i like my monster beats, but alot of ppl complain its overpriced and not good enough qualy, but i enjoy it alot when its vibrating on my ears :) and it looks good!
i have the solo hd's ;)
epic bass! :p
those the small ones? if so me too
lenovo thinkpad <3 :D
I had 2 pairs of those and they both ended the same way, only it was a left speaker that fell off :c
I was told that Beyerdynamic can repair the headphones. However that would cost money! But since the design is the problem, it would only be a matter of time until they break again. So, I'll save the money to invest it in something new, better and more durable.
They can and they even fixed it for free the first time it happened. When it happened again I couldn't even be bothered to send the headphones to them, though. Now I'm using Philips SHP8900, surprisingly good sounds quality for the price (and they were even cheaper when I bought them a few years ago), perhaps not the strongest design but they didn't break yet.
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planned obsolescence
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