Top 10 Headphones

Yo doOdes!

I'm looking for some headphones with a very good microphone that can be used to shoutcast. I have no ideea which headphones have good microphones for shoutcasting, so I'm asking you guys for a top10.

I want to see how they look aswell, so some links or images of the headphones would be nice.

Lets see what you got.

image: bianca-dragusanu-goala-playboy-4
image: crudu2_b
I guess it better to get normal headphones and separate microphone, headsets arent that good.
in what way? the mic itself?
The sound itself is >
just get a good mic ?
just get a good kuraccccccccc
AKG maybe, but it can be expensive
i'll use this thread to get an answer to my question
is there a difference between a gaming headset and a sound/music specialists headsets?
if i want to get maximum gaming experience, will i need to sacrifice sound quality? and the opposite?
There's a huge difference, and go with the latter. Just check one of the zillion journals on headphones posted every day and you'll find a decent reply unless they're sick of posting now because the question gets asked so often : D
what kind of differences? and to go with the sound rather gaming?
ok cheers, just for clearing things out, is gaming headsets better for gaming?
They arn't they are over marketed shit pieces usualy.

go for a good headphone on headfi there is enough information and get a logitech desktop microphone or a zalman clip-on microphone. Proffesional microphones for shoutcasting can cost alot(from 50 to 1000 euro), how serious are you about shoutcasting?
im not the op and i don't care about mics, i am just looking for the highest quality sound i can get with minimum money (bang for the price lets call it but still willing to invest) but might as well it will have a working mic
best price ratio. than go for a logitech desktop mic or zalman clip-on that's about 15 euro and look up in this image: headphone%2Bguide
had to take it off my chest.
Ladies and gentlemen we are live from the Super-ETTV-Arena
My name is Robert Polakskyuzc. Me and Tosspot will be your shoutcasters for tonights game.
It promises to be something special. What do you think Tosspot?
too shy for casting but this mic looks so awesome :D
Just makes you want to pick it up, hold it to your mouth, and scream OH MY DAYS, WHAT A PANZERFAUST
iti trebuie un mic bun.ceva de la logi poate si pe urma niste sennheiser de ceva calitate.
sunt magazine online la noi unde iti poti cauta ceva convenabil la buzunar.
nu merita sa arunci milioane pe niste casti gaming...parerea mea
Am gasit in carrefour niste casti ok, cu microfon super smecher, la doar 25 de lei. Nush daca sa le iau... :D
john, la banii astia sincer cred ca o sa zbieri in microfonul ala :)) + calitatea sunetului in joc o sa lase de stiu daca macar tu o sa intelegi ceva din shout :) ce firma sunt? canyon d alea? niste casti bune poti gasi si la a 4tech ptr asa ceva dar, tot zic ca e mai bine sa iei separat. oricum sa arunci 25 lei nu e mare paguba, incearca le :) casti simple gen callcenter poti gasi si la logitech(sunt prin cora,carrefour) care nu cred ca se compara cu ce vrei tu sa iei
If you're looking for a good quality microphone you're probably best of buying a seperate one. It will probably cost you about €80 to buy a decent microphone.

I don't know when this was written but it might help:
jij speelt niet eens et meer bemoei je er niet mee
ha! Die staat niet in het woordenboek.
o jawel
heeft geen uitgebreide woordinformatie.
Het woord komt ook niet voor in de woordenlijsten die zijn goedgekeurd door de Taalunie.
dont forget that the soundcard is rly important too.
Ohyeah? why?
It's not like the voice quality needs to be tip-top when shoutcasting, as long as it doesn't crackle. I'm almost certain you'll be just fine with most moderately good headsets and an integrated sound card. Human voice is one of the easiest sounds to transmit, anyways.
Beats by dre are the best ones out there
No, they are not. You can get $60 sennheisers that are twice as good.
Razer Carcharias :X
I have like no idea about microphones. I am pretty sure you need some mic which is not attached to headphones, like table mic to get the best quality.
My Siberia V2 from Steelseries sounds pretty great (the microphone that is) and has quality sound for the headphones too, my absolute favourite headphones though were the Sennheisser HD555's that my Dad fucking broke about a year ago now I think but they had the best sound quality I've heard from a pair of headphones probably out of all the headphones I've ever bought.

For shoutcasting it's probably best if you get all the separate gear but obviously if you want to mix it up like I was doing at least, go for a headset and a USB soundcard, can't go wrong with that (at least thats what I am using at the moment and it sounds really nice imo!)

GL HF with the casting too! =)
siberia kinda rubbish tbh :XD
Compared to my sennheisers yea, they are! But they do the trick for me at the moment :)
your dad does break and steal alot of your stuff owz, you sure he's not a druggie?
Not sure mate, will have to double check when he's home from "work" tonight :P
:D Now that reminded me of the sketchy ass work times he has :D When you cant play LoL @ 4 in the morning cuz your dad is up lmao xDDD

Speaking of that why u never on LoL anymore :<
Still rocking my 555s.. :"D
And with shitty crt :D
image: ayavb5

i bet the only difference between modern 120hz tft and your crt is weight, dimensions and quality ._.
Thanks man! :)
I like the titties, what game are you going to shoutcast? hope you're not shoutcasting any matches of me <3
Naaaah. :d
Going for something like World of Tanks. :)
mmh, the game name sounds awesome ":D"
tell me moar about the game, and what genre is it?

This is my first cast. It's an RPG. :)
The mic is not that good, very cheap one, thus the topic... :) and I was kind of nervous(my first cast :d)
mmh, not really like that..
but i need some great new game aswell! something like W;ET but than more active 'nd stuff
idk but i just ordered SteelSeries Siberia v2 Full-size Headset, no fucking clue if any good but surely beats my old siberia icemat lolo
As some people stated before, there is a huge fucking difference between using a headset and headphones/desktop mic combo. If you're looking to shoutcast, my suggestion would be to get a good microphone to ensure the quality of your voice is the best. If you're looking at audio quality as well, I will ALWAYS suggest you get the Sony MDR-7506 (80US) because they are the best headphones all around without having to spend 1000US+. I would of course recommend you some good microphones, but unless you have an audio interface they're pretty much useless.

A quick amazon search revealed that the Logitech USB desktop microphone has some pretty good reviews, and has a nice noise cancelling feature which eliminates most of the ambient noise if you're in a noisy room. It's a shame it doesn't give any more detailed specs like Impedance and/or Sensitivity and such for a good review on them.

I do have the Audio Technica 2020 at home for doing projects for uni and work. It appears they have a USB version as well. It's a pretty decent microphone, cardioid polar pattern to capture only what's needed.

Hopefully what I did there gives you some sort of path to choose based upon your budget and needs. Good luck!
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