Pic Of The Day

image: 312984_211651718904832_136427856427219_460063_1435378250_n

"I would do anything for my dog!!! More for her than I would for people"
"Did you really just quote yourself?"
is this now about dogs/cats etc or about quote in general? :Ddld?!
how u feel? :p
its oookaay :/ could be better :) since lasse is in berlin and me feels bad :(
good to see, at least that u get rid of ur sickness :p
seems like you are feeling bad for a long time...

you might be pregnet ? :DASD
nice!! so true about it
lol get a job, thirdies
+1 made my day, thanks ^^
gl finding a job if ure a thirdy
sup thirdie :)
next time just sit under something that protects u from rain u idiot
wow that actually got me :( what an incredible picture
is this aimed at the dog and the guy or at the woman who protects her vagina with her hand?
+1 Awesome Humanity Picture:-)
Should spend money on getting a nice suit than adidas...
That's false, I've got very little money and I don't value it very much as it's not really worth anything.
Obviously this picture is not about valuing money...
I've got little social life but I don't value it either.
I've got a little penis but I don't value it either.
so let me have it
to be fair to him soggy dog tastes horrible
What a bum.
I bet that guy is begging for money. Those bums should be executed
nice quote, and its true actually
care rain
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