THX loudness & ET?

Received my laptop yesterday and today I tried playing with THX loudness on... it feels like my own shooting/walking/jumping is silent and everything far away is really loud :o

Anyone tried that yet? It sounds kinda weird.

Review of the laptop:
Get out, be seen, create memories- Make it Last Forever!
s_khz 44
s_distance 100
s_max_distance 9999999.0
s_min_distance 0.0005
sounds like something awesome
That's about perfect, isn't it
Yes, sounds awesome, love it, not for ET though, don't play that...
ET just sounds fucked up.. but I think it gives some advantage compared to standard settings :S
True, very nice laptop you have by the way :)
laptop gaming :DDDDDDDDDDD
you most likely need to increase s_mixprestep/s_mixahead
vot eblan, za 2k funtov kupil killer laptop

otkuda u etih randomov s avstrii stoko deneg, wtf
seta s_mixPreStep "0.02"
seta s_mixahead "0.06"

I have the same config as for the last 7 years.. and without THX loudness ET just sounds fine. But as soon as I enable THX loudness, my own stuff (shooting walking) gets more silent while everything close around me has normal volume and everything far away is really loud.
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