Stuff from the US

Since my dad's on a business trip to Las Vegas, I thought of it as the perfect opportunity to bring some stuff back with him. Any ideas besides jeans ( that seem to be quite cheap there ) ?

Scarzy, get me some clothing ideas !

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man man lichtjes kut da 'k nie na hospitality zou kunnen gaan
:-) ik heb elke naam op die lineup buiten fred v & grafix al gezien (ma kga sowieso)
10 bricks
Electronics are cheaper. At least used to be. You just have to kinda sneak them through.
I buy a new laptop every year we visit our house out their (Florida, not LA), not a big deal to be sneaky getting it back, I just leave the packaging over their and bring it back as if I took it with me :)
Yeah, that's the "kinda".
Exactly :) Done the same with cameras and other electrical equiptment also.
laptop, iphone, abercrombie
All electrical things and designer clothes ect are cheap, compared to the UK anyway, used to be a hell of a lot cheaper a few years ago aswell when the exchange rate was better :)

Edit: I wouldnt bother with a phone though, unless you want to unlock it, thats if you can find a decent priced one worth buying that isnt tied into a contract.

especially laptops will be way cheaper in the US. My new one would cost in the UK ~1800-2000€ while in the US its like 1300€.

~1800-2000€ laptop specs?
120Hz 3D Matte - i7 2760QM 3,5Ghz - 8GB RAM- GTX 560M - Intel 510 SSD

wtf ?:D:D:D:D

uber leet laptop, why bother buying such a strong laptop? are u gaming hard on it??
I didn't pay 2000€.. thats would it would cost in europe (well UK.. in Germany or NL it would be even more expensiive). I paid 1300€.

I don't have a desktop PC.. so every 3-5 years I buy a new laptop and sell my old one for ~400€ or maybe more. Its no't just about gaming.. also while working & doing all-day tasks (well the things that I do atleast :D) my old Dual core 2 duo 2,52 Ghz,4GB Ram and geforce 9800M GS (and SSD) became too slow :S
a rope to hang yourself faggot
rofl, why the hate? :D
He wouldn't care anyways :P
You won't win much with apple stuff, but with samsung and htc you definately win $100-200.
When I was in the US last summer I bought alot of clothing. Next to the clothing, you should think about electronics. Just make sure he throws away the shopping bills.
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