Post pic of yourselves.
29 Oct 2011, 00:47
Haha I am damn bored so I want to see your faces! :-D No dissing in this journal plz. I'll post the first ones! and
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
:{D <-this is mine
E. I am 17
(from this "morning" at Pendulum)
left guy
but ye thank you ofc!
nice pics!
u want some
eyebrows and eyes match too!
btw: is hanne alen je zus :p ?
2: Nice jacket!
But yeah, looking good!
regular one:
GZ mate, deserved after your hc training!
aaaah nooo. its a rollercoaster! damn i'm...weird
If so, it's in New Jersey, which is next to New York.
took it just for you!
that's me after losing at poker :D
If she's coming to New York City, tell her to meet up with me in Brooklyn ;)
and why is she coming to US?
her old school m8 is living there afaik :o
i mean people playing poker for a livin? :D
gotta find a new deal since I don't have any money to play, I'm discussing it with 2-3 ppl.
but yeah if I had like 10k I could play it for living!
should I go to solarium?!?!?!?
and you looked better at aef :P
for the last 3 months I've drank a lot of coffee and played pokerz so that's what u get!
though I'm in the best shape of my life if you don't look at my head! I've been going to gym 3-4 times a week at the same time, since I have to lift 120kg from bench @ 8th of november!
and yes SC2 is awesome:D playing it myself!
are you any good in it? like butchji or stuff? :p I'm concidering of starting it :o but guess it's too late to get any good in it? got some wc3 experience :x
i also dont play as much as they do and i also prefer specing over playing
go play it! its fun and the basics are extremely easy to learn especially if you already got wc3 experience you should get to higher leagues in no time!
if you want pm me for my bnet account so we can maybe paly a lil bit:)
yea I'll pm u when I have it.. :))
just need to buy new pc and stuff first :p gonna take some time though :D
could be nerding xmas holidays!
Me attacking at Provincial final 2008/2009
Me serving (again taken about 3/4 years ago)
errm your nickname
does it hurt? :D
maybe i'll make the piercing next year, or a tattoo ^_^
right one
Razzah means: du är söt
me on the far right in the lavender shirt, brother to the left of me, others are cousins
fuckin' nazi
get someone to do it!
right one,... left one is n3co!
after a night of redbull and nolife bfbc2 (when it just came out)
whilst being drunk as fuck
nice muscles
The first is the newest, the last one is the oldest :)