Samsung Galaxy s2 + case in pouch

Hi there,

Just bought a Samsung Galaxy s2.

I also bought this case with it:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1600&bih=771&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=5396731233499071520&sa=X&ei=DImtTur1EI2g-wa-m4juDw&ved=0CFcQ8gIwAA

My question: Is there a pouche (which protects the screen when you put the phone in your pocket) that is big enough for the phone + case?

Tnx in advance!
random sock will do the trick
There are pre-cut plastic-stickers for every model. Wont affect usability or visibility.
True, but sooner or later you'll get those bubbles under your sticker. Looks terrible :<
no, you just have to do it correctly !

for epic win, use vacuum then no bubble !
No, if you got those you have failed the installation of the cover. Even the smallest dust-ball will fuck it up.
I am probably not going to buy a protection plastic thingy. In about 2 years the phone is worthless anyway, or atleast not very expensive anymore. So you can't protect it from becoming worthless like all your old phones. And I am very careful with all my electronic devices :)
Haven't bothered to cover my screen neither, though I got the sticker. I would just have to cut it since they didn't have correct version at store. Got a soft case for it anyway and don't use the pen so much + qwerty-keyboard won't scratch it so much.
Yeah, there's nothing bad with extra protection. Know what you mean!
that case looks cool!!!
i dont like S2 anymore ( had it for 3 months and then it just started crashing ) so bought 4s
it crashed once to me since I bought mine (in August), and it was when I tried to apply camera hack to it so it was kinda excusable :P
<insert random facepalm pic>
every heard about warranty?
got money back?
you dont get your money back. they give u a new phone.
u can ask money back moron :P
you get money back if replacement/repair didnt work. its the law. moron.
maybe in austria?:d but not in EE u can ask money back in 14 days + if something goes wrong u can ask money back
law in austria, yes. dont know about estonian law ;D
Just use some screen protector and u will be fine. I am using Realook Crystal Clear and its awesome (well, I bought Noreve leather case for my SGS2, so it wouldnt get scratched in pocket anyway but its always safer to have screen protector just in case).
I agree. But what to do with the case? It's a shame to let that money go to waste.
just use screen protector with your current case, should be fine
Ok, I'll check it out. Thanks
ask white obama

image: 435827_460s
is it good? do u like it???? wanna buy me same :)
dunno if they have pink ones blond
hahaha i dont want a pink one ;)
my ipod is yellow, my actual mobile is silver

Yeah it's awesome
the s2 is realy nice i got one too. so u can have it in black or white :D
black all the way :)
yeah it looks better in black.
iddd ;) so und nun schoen rtl ablachen^^
hartz IV tv 4 life xD und dann um 20:15 schön prosieben? wa?
hahaha schoen ablachen ja :P hab ich noch nie gesehen twighlight tbh =)
ich werd navy csi schauen oder nen miyazaki film ;) und selbst??
ich werd arbeiten die ganze nacht meine letzten 3arbeits tage dann umzug.
nachts arbeiten? was machst du und wo gehts hin?
ja nachtschicht halt, arbeite bei einer firma die fuer die automobilindustrie als zulieferer zuständig ist. bin in der herstellung und fertigung von schwungrädern fuer motoren zuständig.
nächstes we ziehe ich nach friedrichshafen am bodensee wegen arbeit. hab dort jobangebot bekommen un die bieten mir das was ich will.
oha aber bodensee is echt schoen und wenn die kohle und co stimmt. aber ich muss sagen geld ist nciht alles. sehe meine freunde selten wenn dann nur am we keine zeit in der woche fuer nichts aber kohle inne taschen.hmmm gluecklich bin ich nciht :)

aber gl!
na ja es geht hab nen bekannten der in stuttgart lebt seit einigen jahren auch wenn es nen ganz schönes stück bis stuttgart ist aber egal. joa die kohle is auch in ordnung, sicherlich macht die net glücklich aber man kann sich eben nicht alles aussuchen ausserdem das was ich jetzt mache das kann ich immer machen.

danke :)
bought new Nexus S for 200€, put miui rom on, couldn't be happier!
lucky boy.

I have htc touch HD (2008 fuck yea)
take a look at they have some cool cases and screen protectors for a low amount of money
ty great site!
Just remember it is shipped from Hong Kong and it takes a while to get there. I've bought some stuff there, took me 1 week the first time, and 2+ weeks the 2nd one (mainly because it got stuck at portuguese "entrance")
Enter random foreign phone shop and buy this:

image: syurev

20e - 25e
Yeah I'll do that I think :) tnx
sand in pouch
When you live in the Sahara Desert that is
Hi store --> 15 euros :) Got the same
Oke vet, danku!
Good phone but never ever let it get wet. Lost mine cause of some rain.
Thanks, good thing to know :) (always try to change songs even when it rains.. will stop doing that now!)
iphone rip off s2
herp thats the same as stealing the design i guess
It's called marketing strategy ;)
iam not fanboying apple products or something , if the galaxy s2 is so superior hardwarewise compared to the iphone xx ... why the fock doesnt they just make a minimal phone design on their own.
I seriously don't give a fuck about brand :P. Bottom line, when you use a marketing strategy that works and is legit, you are a good sales company. Why be mad about succes? They are just smart because it works. Ideas get stolen all the time, that's business :) I respect those companies.
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