2012 is coming closer
30 Oct 2011, 21:54
yeah boy
(» Your journal body must be at least 40 characters long. You currently have 42 characters. ???????)
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
However this finding can turn around today's physics they are re-doing the experiment in China as we speak
Fishbot seems to have misunderstood something, the calculated measuring error and difference in travel time were 10 and 60 nanoseconds. That's a 0,002% difference between measured speed and c when the distance was 730km, nowhere near 60%.
dunno what r they!
also saw some weird red thing flying some weeks ago at night.. that could've been a satellite though :o
weird shit is weird! but 2012 is the biggest troll ever.