2012 is coming closer

yeah boy

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I like to think we're not alone out there ^^ And now, I'm going to go and read Ringworld xDDD
haha next you'll be saying we can travel faster than the speed of light...
Already proven its possible.
That's the joke.
Recently they found particles that went faster than light AND that was significantly above the measuring error (I think they put the measuring error about 10% and it was 60% or something above it)

However this finding can turn around today's physics they are re-doing the experiment in China as we speak
and with different variables @ CERN
Please do post all the links you know of to whatever evidence you think proves that something with a mass has exceeded (or even equaled) c. You may not use blogs or popular media as a source.
I am not a physics student and so would not know where to start.
In that case please don't use the word "proven" so liberally (okay it's Webe who said it but you agreed with him)... Science is not a religion.
Fishbot seems to have misunderstood something, the calculated measuring error and difference in travel time were 10 and 60 nanoseconds. That's a 0,002% difference between measured speed and c when the distance was 730km, nowhere near 60%.
Turn off the sound => won't look weird anymore.
Sup government testing your gear out bros. I remember seeing one ages ago actually there is some sick technology hidden from us :(
Don't worry folks, the American government is currently working on a virus which we can implement in their mothership We'll do this using the UFO that crashed back in Roswell 60 years ago. This virus will defect their shields so our missiles can hit their smaller attack ships. Bill Pullman will unite squadron leaders from all over the world and launch the largest aerial attack known to human history. We will win the day.

Most of these so called "ufo's footages" have been analysed by scientists. Turned out they are all fakes :)
Looking forward to it
By the way, before the world ends there will be world war 3. Its already been put out there it will happen probably very shortly.
don't wanna sound a hippie or anything but I've seen those white dots 2 times in my life, both times during a day.

dunno what r they!

also saw some weird red thing flying some weeks ago at night.. that could've been a satellite though :o

weird shit is weird! but 2012 is the biggest troll ever.
The call in the end seems interesting...rest are debatable
Iam pretty sure that aliens are coming here to save ET community and we are going to have many more ET players then ...so be happy and dont worry ....PS! i heard they are going eat all CS players in the fffin world and thats WIN for us :P
yeah buddy!
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