bf3 origin = spyware


Feel free to delete your journal yourself, hf!
There's a beautiful crescent moon adorning the dark, deep blue twilight sky.
old shit, not gonna play any EA games anymore anyway
old shit
old shit
i know and i dont care
Welcome to 2 months ago
I don't always complain about reposts, but when i do, it's because it's the most reposted repost i've seen.
That's why I cancelled my pre-order. :>
fu :( what we gna play next then? mw3? :D
i also did this, mw3 comes out in around a week gonna rape some noobs there instead!
they goin to have dedicated servers this time?
yes and they had them in blackops too iirc, only MW2 that didnt have them
yeah that's the main reason i played black ops, just wanted to know if i was going to have to avoid mw3 as i did with mw2, not looked for any details on it funnily enough
same shit for me , although i bought bfbc2 yesterday THAT SHIT WONT SEE NET FOR HIS ENTIRE LIFE
u can block all this shit so np and german law > origin eula thx.
Having a good laugh at all the tards whining about that.
i know and i dont care

because i dont care

we, in Estownia, don't have any e-piracy laws or shit like that, don't care if my PC is getting "checked" or whatever

if it would affect performance of my PC i'd rage

but dont care
it doesnt matter where you live.
why yould you ever care.
its not like you feel any of that stuff going on.
its not like something bad is gonna happend to you.
something you will never notice runs in the back.
all the people going like "AHHHHHHHHHHH the EULA!!!" are
1) too poor for a decent PC
2) too poor for to buy the game
3) afraid they might be bad at the best game 2011
you're so fucking stupid it's unreal

and can you stop putting random fucking full stops on some sentences and not others? it makes your already retarded comments even more annoying, next you'll be putting spaces before exclamation and question marks

stupid fucking cunt
you appear to be awefuly mad.
go be a retard somewhere else.
i'm still playing black company 2 because of that =D
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