More cups with money please, so I can get easy moneys kk
Good news for BRINK
31 Oct 2011, 22:10
In this wonderful time of Halloween theres great news coming from BRINK developers.
Let me just quote message that developer left on forum:
Long awaited clan support and weapon balance! Almost there indeed!
Let me just quote message that developer left on forum:
Long awaited clan support and weapon balance! Almost there indeed!
Do people still play it? Tried to show gameplay to friend week or two ago, didn't find a single server with players. Or should there be some update, haven't launched it since the release week.
Nope, it's dead. Only ESL is still making cups with prizemoney
i think it has less players than rtcw, maybe two 16 slot servers full per time
how much did you win so far w/ brink =)?
wtf, ik moet dat spel ook beginnen spelen
Better revive ET instead of reviving BRINK, stupid developers
One sold Brink-copy makes them more money than ET ever, why on earth should they do anything?
without W:ET no one would give them money to make shitgames
So you want them to update ET and you will then buy their newer games after that?
they could make a updated version of ET which u have to pay for -> profit
Oh no, not this again...
What b4lu said
yeah revive it with imaginary source code
? dumb? they created it, they have the source (and it's been released already), plus bani worked for sd, they paid him to code 2.60b patch or smth.. so?
You prefer BRINK to ET?
other games which actually matter and are competetive
BRINK very competetive ye
like someone said that.
Like I talked to you
he said he prefers other games, neither brink nor et and you replied some shit about brink beiing competitive. how stupid could a nigga be?
Read above
gz for those 15 ppl who still play it
Kamz, Ati_, ..?
Dacht ik al
better release sdk
Seconded. If they ever release an SDK, and a promod is created (or even planned), I might start playing the game again. It was nice, but not nice enough without promod.
is there still an active community?
i think BRINk is dead ? isnt it ?
No, why do you think so?
no big news tbh
BRINK y u no SDK?
I feel sad for the devs who invest time and effort into this as it won't change a thing.
I don't they didn't deliver before.