ET Xreal

its gonna be released on saturday already? :o
wow looking nice!
Can someone post the images here?
Looks good, should change weapon skins for greater justice tho
battery looks awesome!
Quote‘With a great feiling of loss, I have to report on a very tragic accident. on 25 October 2011, something happened to us that non of us could have prepared for. NVidia launched it latest drivers. So no worries, nobodies dead, but the renderer is on its ars!

5th November 2011... forget it, we're not going to make that! First, it was just a single error on a single system, but now we discovered its a fundamental problem and we have to delay the release. I hope you understand that we, bedroom hobbyist, do not have the power to fix this issue in 2 days.

So please, forgive us for blowing the trumpet before everything was good to go. We want to provide good support and technology from the moment the product is available, and we do not want "the Rage Experience".’

So, it seems they're still working hard on it, just an expected issue at the last minute. The fact that they were about to release it gives me hope that they'll get through this. :)
aww but its cool, I was going out of town on saturday anyways XD
But will people starting playing on it or will it just be used for movies... that's the question.
Plus we won't have the etpro mod included :x
i guess it would take just few hours for bani to re-compile the etpro tbh..i guess the related source code might not be that different so...
Quote by bani's CF profileLast Seen: Monday 12th November 07
Bani has a forum, duh.. plus some people might know how to talk to him more directly (#etpro)
the question is, can he really be arsed?
nop, i don't think he cares about it anymore.. judging by some very little bugs he could hae fixed at his free time and yet he didn't care.. well :>
There was some talk of open-sourcing ETPro a while ago. As I recall a few of the dev's had wanted to, don't know if any progress ever got made with it though.
Beta is out I downloaded it and the original is releasing this week
you cannot into read?
whats this xreal? somekind of sharper texture set for ET ?
It's ET but ported onto a different 'uptodate' engine, IDTECH.

Should be awesome, and never mind the FPS, the game should be playable at around 30fps, without the horrible laggy feeling ET gives atm.

30 fps

Fine on my 8400GS, and that's saying something :D. Mind you, I've got i5 @ 4.6GHZ, 8GB HyperX ram :D
30fps from brink was playable

it doesnt feel like 30fps from ET

i would say 30fps from brink = feel like ~60fps from ET
60 fps in et feels like shit too ;d
close to 76 which is playable
depends whats playable for u
playing decent
thats cos brink is fucking awesome
I thought it would help stabilise the fps? Because surely the low fps would effect ET a lot as people switch fps up to help recoil and trickjumping?
Looks fun
Someone make a tut on how to get it working for nubs? I have no time atm :p
grush looks great. let's see if there will be any problems with the fps :S
It's designed to improve fps because it's a newer engine.
well i would like to make sure about it by myself. at least i hope the best :)
Apart from being a port , will it offer something new map- or gameplay-wise ?
If you are going to create a new map, models and textures for it, then yes. Can't directly answer for the second questions since I am not entirely sure if they will implement new things to gameplay itself in the future. Doubt it though.
graphics only
looks good!
Doesn't look any better than the quality of my fragmovies.
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