New ET?
3 Nov 2011, 13:16
idk if this is old news but sup with this?
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
- No strafe/ramp/rocket jumping
- Recoil
- Iron sights
- No crosshairs at all
- High spread from certain weapons and not so much from others as you would expect
- Aiming improves when standing still, more when crouching, even more when prone, and even more when aiming down sights
- Very high damage from headshots (instant kill with certain weapons) and moderate damage otherwise
- Bullet velocity and power decreases with distance or when penetrating thin/soft materials
- And erm.... well I guess that's all I can say for now
and cant be compared with ET
odium On June - 21 - 2011
date: 1 november 2011
no problam, playing with no crosshair for ages now ^^
2. tell everybody its the new ET and enjoy their amazement
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!