v1ech`s Quiz #1

Hey dear crossfire mates!

i ve taken note that most of you are loving quiz so i thought about doing one.
I m sitting in a lecture atm and i found the perfect material for a first question.

About the rules: Post your answer in here within the next 3 hours (starts at my posting time)
Everyone with the correct answer gets one point and i m doing a list about it.
i m gonna continue those quizzes and after a while, the winner is gonna get a small but nice price :)


Question Nr. 1:

What is this guy at the board trying to teach us?
image: 316601_10150354854642341_525257340_8778456_1581918157_n

image: 316601_10150354854642341_525257340_8778456_1581918157_n

unfortunately noone made it close enough to the solution so we have no winner today.

still i hope you guys had some fun and i hope to find new things for quiz questions :)
how to put a dick in a vagina
something to do with cells? :P
(microbiology, thanks s1LENT :D)
Mathematic / Physics... actually there is one subject for it and I had it at school but can't remember the name :S With calculating of forces, some basic physics + math.
what beAsty said
sry for the SCC invite btw.. already gave it to homer by the time you asked :/
macht nichts :>
Something with space.
supply defence
how to draw a pokémon
How to park your monstertruck into the garage.

osmotischer druck :D!
How a certain reaction is working in cells, but since your teacher is oldsql and a bad drawer its hard to tell D:
Magnetism, electrical fields :D
a substance moving via active transport through the ion channel of a cells membrane? :s
eukaryots ?
I guess its mitosis
that he's retarded?
Cell division?
since i know u study physics, its physics
e: präziser.. die auswirkung von kosmischer strahlung auf die zellteilungsfähigkeiten von primitiven sauerstoffunbhängigen einzellern
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