3 Nov 2011, 21:58
First game ever, rolling like a boss
Shoutout Nickje for teaching me how to play :-)
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
e: first :PP
just played as malphite and had smth like 16/9/17, most g, kills too. whenever i was initiating a tf with my ult (on 3+ opponents) my team was fucking running back to the base...
+ a jungling fiddle who started with 0/3/1 and solo top jax 0/5/1
a good rammus is hard to counter and with the release of the recent (strong) champs, he actually never gets banned.
or go for nasus/jarv/irelia/cho/... those re good champs to get out of elo hell since youre not depending on your team.
if you play a carry you might wanna be the best carry in lol but still can be useless with a shit team.
You obviously want to play him as the teams jungler hence you need decent that are actually able to cooperate when you're coming for a gank.
I don't like playing the jungler in rankeds very much, because its simply too team dependent imo; Solo top all the way!
better both make new account on west :D
Im lvl 25, he's 6. Gonna hit a LoL EC if there'll ever be one!
Keep on that way:DD
such a black liar