Windows 7 Remote Desktop

Hello CF,

Is there a way so i can see when a particular program is launched on a account on the remote desktop? I've already checked the windows logs but doesn't really help me.

We've prolly got a guy at work who i changing alot of orders, but have to prove it :)


e: must be something legal otherwise we sitll can't prove it's him and i have to see what happened on 31st of October

image: memes-never-gonna-give-you-up
must be something legal otherwise we sitll can't prove it's him and i have to see what happened on 31st of October.
Doesn't help me either mate :P I need to be able to check which program he launched at a particular time on the 31st
I remember something like that being used by my high school I went to. Can't remember the name of the program though.
Yeh since its about workstation its prolly a bit harder than if it would be server.. But at least u can see who logged in and when. And what program it is about? Maybe the program has own log.. Otherwise it will be pretty hard to bust him. Or at least what he did.
Yeah it has a log but doesnt show logons.. Just actions within the program. We think he logged in under a different name, we know the time but have to prove that he did it from his pc at that specific time. The program is on the server btw.
Why delete epic journal ?
Guess admins did, dont care anyway let's forget about it. Was the heat of the moment :D still disappointed tho
Well, we both could have done things different. Let's try to settle it in a game on a non-gtv server and let this be. :)
If you really think he did it but lack the evidence you should just confront him. If you're not sure whether it was him there's basically nothing you can do expect trying to find any logs.
Stupid ordering software who doesn't log changes per user
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