The Big Radio (S)mash up

HI Anonymous loved community!

I made this little (3 minutes) mash up for a local radio contest that i hope to win..

however, since I find the world of loop-based mash-up really fascinating, I wanted to
share it with you ... would be good any type of feedback....just to improve myself !

(free download)


image: Janessa_Brazil_Hot_Sexy_Bikini_Photo_Gallery_03
damn, thats not cool. sorry. pretty bad change overs. i'm not hating, just wanted to say that :)
like? im askin because I've heard it so many times that I can not find more errors: (
omagod dj n0cs

e: some singing parts just don't fit to the beat + some transtions don't sound clean imo
uhm, about the singing part who doesnt fit i checked it many many times to warp good but help me to find out it :)

and about some transition?
thx anyway :)
idk, maybe it's just taste, you're the expert ;)
j.lo at0.24 is too different from everything before to me, same for iglesias
the 2x time moves like jagger sounds weird in there

find the rest partly ok and partly rly good, and the things above get better after listening a couple of times
thank you mate.
The hardest part was to equalize the songs to the same key. Because I'm not a musician could be very easy to have the wrong shade of some songs ...
Anyway thanks for the advice that will surely help me to improve significantly
what the fuck is this shit
looks like theres often alot of loss of quality or something, dunno. decent effort nonetheless
Yes, could be. But this is because i made the acapella of the song from the original mixes... and the quality often isnt good... :( thx anyway
it's sux as ur posted girl
maybe the mix can be a shit ...but the girl lolz
cool..keep it up
thank you mate, i really appreciate it
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