Worst substitution ever

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hahahaha XD

Owned :D
stupid czorny pidar
wat? 4th ref pointed him out alreaday? afaik you can not leave the field for sub unless you got 4th ref / main ref seal of approval, wtf is the yellow awarded for ?
taking off his shirt I guess.
fucking fucking up a game by the referee. Quality of the referees these days is so low, annoys the fuck outta me
He got a yellow card for taking his shirt off on the field, thats nothing special in UA.
ye but hes off and has nothing to do anymore on the field
No, he's still on the field when he takes off his jersey and got red carded, therefore its legit. Inkoom also wants to leave Dnipro, so I'm not quite sure if it was just a mistake or purpose. :)
ye but lame from both side i would say
according to the rules he should get a yellow card for inscription on the lycra... dunno about rules in UA
Oh man, how to fuck up a match.
He ignored a rule, yes, but if the referee even remotely likes the game of football he wouldn't have given this card.
so refs should interpret the rules how the deem appropriate and ignore them if they want?
no, he just doesnt needs to fuck a game up like this.
so he should ignore the rule?
yes, he should. It's a stupid rule anyways.
and where do you draw the line once you started ignoring rules?
Expected reply. Didnt really expect you to understand it anyways.
expected reply.
every kid with an authority problem feels that rules can be followed or ignored however you please.
pure bullshit, like most of your comments.
u r just wrong so you become quite mad again and start to flame.
rules are to be enforced by the ref. if you say he can decide to ignore them you are just a retard.
A referee is there to lead a match so that it is fair and fun for both teams. The rules leave room for interpretation. To your other comment on Ironic: You don't draw the line, you judge each situation independantly because you have the people to do so. You have a referee in the field to make decisions, he's not just there to check whether teams play by the rules.
but is that not the opposite of what rules are for?
they are made so that in every fotball game, no matter where you are, the same circumstances apply.
In my eyes they are guidelines that are there to be followed but also leave room for exceptions.
Yes, that is exactly what they should do.
Kosecki has done the same shit in the past, was even worser, cause happened in a match of his country.
lol, ukraine..lol
I guess he is afraid of black men who take off their shirts.
That decision is just ridiculous. Referee might focus on their own error (off side & stuff) and not on things like that
man thought it said fall, was so disappointed
Blatantly cause he's black.
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