Special Deal

I spoke with Gameplayservers.com today about the NBS Cup.

They will provide a €50 euro Credit for the first place and an extra gameserver for the cup, so we are really happy with that!

Besides that, a special deal is set up for the introduction of the Cup:

With the code NBS40 you will get 40% off all services at www.gameplayservers.com!

This is a Special deal by www.nbs-gaming.com and www.gameplayservers.com and can only be used untill wednesday.

Some might think this is advert, but I still wanted to let you guys know, because this is a huge special discount and if you are looking for a server this deal can help you save some money! :)

The quality of the servers is great, low pings and nice hitboxes. You can feel the difference from NBS1 (YCN) and NBS2&3 (GPS), try it yourself!

image: ekf7n7



Check out the 6v6 Cup with some nice prizes provided by gameplayservers here: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=cups&mode=item&id=195

Please let me know wenn you order, I can assist you and will be sure the 40% Discount will stay forever, in stead of the 1st month!
For how long will you get to pay 40% less? :o
forver! (as long as you keep the server)
might get one then, eventhough I don't really need it atm :o
idd, can't imagine 40% are over a long period
As long as you keep the server you will get 40% discount.

Its a special deal for the NBS Cup for only 3 days, so thats why the discount is that high.

Thats why I am posting it, its a very nice deal.
Oh, [nl] ik dacht dat 't alleen maar voor m'n eerste maand ging zijn :o Wel nice dat 't voor altijd is ! [/nl]
i dont rly know what u r talking about
server, -40%, buy
Nice one, keep up the good work!
nice hitboxes :)
To be honest the stopwatch server (nbs2?) kinda lags from time to time. Nothing too fancy, but I do get yellow spikes there, maybe reduce it to 18 or even better 16 slots. :O)
never had any lags there
Well if I play on NBS1 there are always ppl that want 'the ping of server 2'.
Well I ping 48 anywhere, so thats not really my concern. :p
I see why you don't play on the #1 :XD
ycn=lags so
rly nice guys, keep it up
Awesome , deal with it guys :) gl Hunter & nbs in future great work.
Awesome , deal with it guys :)
Awesome , deal with it guys :)
Awesome deal, with free guys :)
Lekker HunteRnoep
Awesome :)
awesome deal, 40% discount on gameservers niceee
Agreed with above :D
Weary nize, me lieky
Nice one, keep up the good work!

nice to see the effort from you guys for the et / cf community :)
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