A little bird has

whispered to me.
According to his sources people who are not afraid of anything can get a hold of L.A. Noire complete edition for PC.
The thing I found to be more interesting tho is that in an hour (or even less) there will be Skyrim avi to the criminals of the web...
that would be quite something.
DONT STEAL SOFTWARE and if you do, buy the game if you actually play it.
Skyrim is gonna be wonderful so pay for it you greedy jews

video related as this is where ima tie you up if you dont buy the game
HEY i just purchasesd music legally from 1999, bitches got nothing on me
I prefer Three Little Birds
What nicon said.
i wouldnt even waste bandwith on skyrim, boring single player shit
RPGs are SP mate, thats the nature of them :)
I enjoy them thou i do understand a nerd whos only social relationships are in ventrillo with other virgins that you have to communicate with others when your on pc.
don't be mean to noodle, he's a nice guy :(
He insults skyrim, gets a fanatic nerd like me mad.
What if you will be disappointed by Skyrim? :o
i wouldnt play skyrim on the PC i'd play it on ps3/xbox, i just dont really enjoy single player games, i easily get distraced/get bored of the storyline and when you're @ singleplayer just jumping around doing random shit gets boring very fast

i dont deny its probably going to be a good game for people that enjoy that type of game, im just not one of them
thx for info man!
Unfortunately, I probaply can't even load Skyrim's main menu window with this PC. Gotta have to buy it for xbox then.
but the xbox is such an outdated piece of equipment :C
check the differences with bf3.
Skyrim will look LOVELY! and it would be such a shame to run it as a downsized version.
this is actually the type of game that would make be upgrade just to enjoy it on max.
According to Canyourunit I have the minimum requirements to play Skyrim but I never really trust this site. Will see if I can find some comparison video of Xbox vs PS3/PC on youtube and see how big a difference it is. Buying a whole new video card for 1 game is a bit too much.
well seeing that if you cant run skyrim you cant run bf3 and crysis 2 and all that "modern gfx" stuff it would hardly be for only one game.
it jsut appears that your hardware is becomming outdated and that an upgrade would enable you to play all the future games youd like.
and ye, those minimum requirements (the ones on the back of the DVD aswell) are always bullshit. that means you can start it w/o an error but does never mean you can really run it (smoothly).
image: mp_rf_3

Wanna bet when I got the game and put it on low graphics it will lag like hell!
image: mp_rp_7

I'm all good!
a cpu + motherboard and memory from around 2005, so uhm ye stone-age material : D
2007 here, BOOM!
dabliu tii effe ??!!?!
trying to tell cf users not to torrent D:
I don't have money atm and I'm not planning on abstaining because I'm broke as fuck. So pirating it is. If I'm a fan of the game I sometimes buy it even after playing though.
skyrim???the fuck dude...
buying games&music is soooo before 2000s
ye i know what you mean.
having money to spare for the things you enjoy and not being criminal scum is rly not en vouge anymore.
soziale stütze much?
random comment much?

anyway the music/film industry ripped off people long enough before the invention of the internet and now its time to bring them down to earth again...and this just doesnt work by pushing even more money down their throats
that is just stupid.
they made the product you enjoy so pay for it.
how do they rip people off?
rote socke much?
seriously understand what you're saying and i tend to buy games i torrent (once i know they're worth the money), but you have to remember what website you're on when trying to tell people certain things.
no matter which website you are on, being a communist is retarded
still doesn't change the fact that trying to tell most of the users here is like going onto a torrent site itself and saying "go buy this"

if i enjoy a game, i buy it. which is why i already pre-ordered skyrim
if you pre-ordered it on steam you can already preload!
its only 5,5gig (or around 6 when installed) tho
6mb/s download so downloading on release minute will be just as well as pre-loading anyway, i like to build suspense to good games, pre-ordered mass effect 3 last year!
Shut the fuck up stupid german
oh boy, here come the greedy jews
cool story bro
"DONT STEAL SOFTWARE and if you do, buy the game if you actually play it."
if you actually enjoy it*
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