LoL vs. HoN

Who here has tried playing both games for terms of lets say more than only a couple of times. Because I've been playing HoN for a very long time now, e.g. I still use my Beta-preorder-account.

Yesterday i tried LoL for the first time due to a friend and I didnt rly expect the difference to be that huge. I mean HoN looks like a 1:1 or at least like a very "basic" or close copy from DotA whereas LoL reminds me of Kindergarden (nursery, for the proper english).

It took me a google search to figure out how to deactivate that autolock on my hero. I was actually thinking to try the autolock function on HoN but after seeing how much it sucks in LoL I'm not going to anymore. Press "Y" for win (In this case, the cake is a lie and you gotta press "Z" since this game only has american language and not enGB what rly sucks aswell..)

Is anybody around who can give me a pro-contra list based on his own opinion because I think there could be a really decent game hidden somewhere, behind all those colors and flashing lights ~~

Thank you!
hon > lol
I could stand HoN for about 5 mins, deleted the game after that.
Now i've been playing LoL for about 100 hours in few weeks.

so LoL > HoN
what I've seen hon > LoL

but still wouldn't waste my time..
LoL > HoN
There's a philosophical difference to the way the two are designed. HoN took DotA, and expanded on it without the engine limitations DotA was previously burdened with. LoL started over, so that no part of the game was limited by the WC3 engine.
But LoL also changed the way balance works. In HoN, characters are much much stronger. While this theoretically balances the game, it actually leads to a lot of frustration. I don't want to have a Behemoth blink on me and stun me for 8 continuous seconds while a Tempest crowd controls the rest of my team, and a magic immune carry, capable of killing anyone in the game in under three seconds, mops up. That scenario is, to me, not fun. Compare to LoL, where AoE CC teams are pleased by their ability to CC an enemy team long enough to drop the entire enemy team to half health.
LoL was also designed for dynamic, skill based combat. Skillshots rule the game. There's a lot less point and click, dump RQWE as fast as you can and auto-kill someone. You have to lead them, they can dodge, and both of you have a chance to interact, even if you are dominating them in game state.
Finally, casters are capable of carrying in LoL in ways they can't in HoN, due to spell vamp mirroring lifesteal, and Ability Power enhancing their spells.

Taken from reddit
QuoteWhile this theoretically balances the game, it actually leads to a lot of frustration.

Thank you! Supports my theory.
LoL has a more tolerant/friendly community, and no denying
HoN: better Graphics, Champions equal to DotA, easier ganks, faster gameplay/movement (this means for the most people HoN is harder than LoL, so its the better game) denying of minion, losing gold of u die

LoL: Casters and Supporter more usefull than in HoN, Health & mana bars are better than in hon. ganking is way harder than in HoN due to summoner spells like flash+ghost. u can get buffs by killing minions in the jungle
The graphics debate is arguable.
From my POV the LoL engine runs very, very smooth and I'd like to see that in HoN.
I'm jelly!
Well, the HoN graphics are still technically way better. It has higher resolution textures, more polycount in models, fancier effects... But I find it all very confusing and have turned off everything possible.

LoL graphics are clean and (perhaps even overly) simple, Warcraft 3 style. I think it's a good thing, but some people seem to think they look that way because they wanted to make the game as cheap as possible.
Dota2's graphics are clean and simple but still look fucking amazing, arguably better than HoN

LoL's graphics may be clean and simple but they look bad/cheap
what's not smooth about the hon engine?
When im lazy i play Lol, and When i want a good challenge i play hon .
playing hon for some dumb point click winning, playing lol for intense challenge
From what the others in this journal have posted so far it seems to be the other way around.
i guess its pretty hard to press y
lol more fun to watch and play so gtfo
no denies in LoL, never gonna try LoL.

seriously if you have grown up with DotA, it's just not possible to play LoL.

Looking forward to dota2 though
Haven't really "grown up" with Dota since i only played it for a couple of months a year before HoN was released but I'm still stuck to Dota due to the competitive spirit and the flat learning curve. I can't wait for Dota 2 too, gonna switch over asap I get a beta key. Have you registered yourself through Steam already?
Yea, i have registered myself already some time ago, but sadly i don't have a key yet :)

Well, it's possible that LoL is a nice game, but not for guys who played DotA a bit more.
Imo HoN is way easier to learn than DotA aswell, because you have recommended items, recommened skill orders etc. In DotA you just had some shops and glhf. :D
" Imo HoN is way easier to learn than DotA aswell, because you have recommended items, recommened skill orders etc. In DotA you just had some shops and glhf. :D "

This ain't a solid argument, everyone with a bit of brain will know what to buy anyway, doesn't matter if they are recommended items or not.
Hmm. No? How do you want to know if you don't ask someone :D
Well its simple :D? You look, you check, you learn!
If your new to Dota you need hours of hours of hours to get what is actually going on.
I guess there is not even a description that Battle Furys Splash is only for melee heroes. Just an example. Oh, and when you bought a recipe, you never knew where to buy the items for it. Its way harder to learn anything in DotA than in HoN.
yeah, i remember when i first played dota, i only knew one build, sange&yasha, got whined alot at when i made it for int hero :) and agree that it was much harder to learn dota than hon.. and well about LoL i think thats just a stupid game
in HoN you just open the shop and you can choose between developer guides and custom guides made by users. Then you got all the items in each guide you could possibly ever use.
A guide can be named simply Guide or also "Cheesy Carry Guide" for let's say some INT support. Very helpful if you try a new hero. And about DotA..rly! So hard to find anything! Have to ask every single time. Why does it have so many shops that's contraproductive
Well, I used to play HoN like 2 years ago and now I'm playing it again (took a little break while it was pay to play), at that time I tried LoL and it was awful.
LoL seems to be full of noobs (at least in the beginning, did 5 games and won them easily)
HoN > LoL 100% imo, but I guess it's only because I used to play HoN before LoL :)
hon is for terrorists :SSS killing your own minions :SSS wtf :SsssSs
I prefer LoL
LoL > HoN
HoN :graphics are so ugly and disgusting. Spell spam , so much effects, do even people understand what are they doing. Heros look so boring.
LoL : too much stupid russians and polaks who are just randomly running around and not communicating with team( they make me so mad in ranked games) and for some reason i think HoN have better community.
There are more possibilities in LoL and more support by providers ,that's why i play LoL.
I even dont play ET anymore because i find LoL more interesting ,especcially since estonian ET community died( no gathers , udu battleground server etc)
in lol every fucking hero looks like in a comic & all look the same xDD
Well, You are retarded.Dont reply me with like "xDxDxDxd and capslock" feels like,why do i live in this world?
sorry, i have to laugh when i see comments like yours
olaf solo top winning
hon > lol

tho about community i maybe agree, didn't play LoL so can't judge

but everywhere its madness and rage when a support doesn't buy ward and goes for instant chalice

dumb fucks
lol is for 12year old kids
At the end of the day LoL is a simple version of HoN or Dota, basically its for the herpderps of society.

Its the same with CoD3 players trying to argue its better than BF3.
CoD2/4 actually , 3 was only in ps2 if im right and i think that cod2 and 4 are both better than bf3 , because less reality more fun
not really though is it, even if I dont know or play HoN I recognise it as a good competitive game and I am sure HoN fans do the same for LoL - if not, there wouldn't be all this madness between the two gaming communities... the arguments are always based on the gameplay and other large aspects of the game.

MW3 and BF3 fans argue about retarded aspects of the game like which seems more realistic, UBERCOOLNESS etc etc, as a current or former FPS player people here on CF can easily see there arguements are just the stupid rantings of some newb who selected X title because he liked the picture on the box better ;)

At the end of the day the games are different and people are allowed their own opinions and likes and dislikes, its just like films or music - although some of the hate may have come from success in eSports (or lack of) between the two games.
I’m not denying LoL and CoD are great games because they wouldn’t have sold so many copies or have that huge following if they weren’t. What I’m trying to say is the facts are that LoL is a simple version of Dota's game play and mechanics. Because unlike HoN and Dota LoL is a simple game to pick up and play right off the bat (also being free helps) by being able to focus on one hero and disregarding the xp/gold mechanics via denying which let’s face it separate the very good players from the pros(amongst other things). Bring this all together it’s going to have a bigger following. I think this is what pisses off most HoN/Dota players is that LoL players think they are good at this type of game when really these games even though they look the same they should be seen as totally different. The same when your cousin thinks he’s good at FPS games when he plays CoD on a console and you play Quake 3 cpma on a PC. When in reality they are as far apart as chalk and cheese.
Hmm, have you played LoL? just wondering - as there is XP / Gold in League of Legends, a team or player that outfarms will generally have better items, much like HoN I would assume. I understand denying is a major difference but that can lead to negative game play at some levels although probably not the higher skilled one. Because lets face it - auto queue and competition is nowhere near the same in any game.

for LoL it is having poor team builds with heavy nukes - this no doubt happens in HoN and DotA just as youll have everyone going medic on a random pub server in ET ;)
If you played HoN, then went to LoL you just see so many game mechanics missing / removed. As a support I do a lot of creep stacking and pulling to control the lane and get an xp advantage on the guy im babysitting. (reminds me of playing engineer, mostly timing stuff) and its nowhere to be seen in LoL. Without a monkey, you are forced to go back to base once in a while, though the free port backs kinda help. No TPs. HoN has items like bloodchalice, striders, courriers and they all stack to make the game faster, more gank orriented and less about sitting in a lane farming creep till you hit midgame. Without a doubt, LoL is a moba made for mainstream, casual gamers.
At auto queue level I would probably agree most people will be out for themselves, but the meta team build is for heal support to babysit your Attack Damage carry, generally a champion that is quite weak, so he can farm the creeps freely without recalling.

As you point out, LoL is a game for casuals, this does not mean that there arent highly skilled teams and players within the game - the pops for LoL are impressive and make any player or developer of another game jealous, no doubt the money riot are making anyone would want a piece of. Because of this though you will have far larger skill gaps, I hardly profess to be the uber1337 of LoL, I am simply a casual :)

Watching streams of LoL and HoN are both entertaining and there are obvious differences in gameplay, HoN seems more fast paced and seemingly there are some heroes that can literally wipe the other team in seconds - this is quite hard in LoL, almost impossible (especially at high skilled levels) so you are far more reliant on team pushes and such. On the face of things HoN has a much more arcade look, the multi kill stylings etc - but this does not mean it is an Arcade sandboxy game, just like LoL looking quite simplified hardly makes it a simple game - it will always be down to the players playing it rather then the game mechanics behind it because in all honesty neither take much brainwork to understand.
Doesnt change the fact that LoL is a simplified version of dota/hon.
HoN is definitely more complicated, but this is not always a good thing, it can narrow the playerbase which can in turn narrow the fanbase - f2p has drawn in more people maybe, I have no idea though.

If you look at sport for instance, the most successful is actually rather simple - Football, very easy to understand and play etc. but there are obviously insanely skilled players in that also. Having great skill as a minimum is not always a good course of action long term, maybe for the ego of the person at the top it can be ;)
I disagree. LoL lacks of competitive spirit imo you don't need to be as skilled as to play HoN on the same niveau.
imo HoN is the best built game of them, even possibly better built than Dota2

the hon engine is smooth, very responsive and looks good, i've no idea what LoL players mean when they say LoL is smoother than HoN because it's not it's just slower, if a constant pace of slowness = smoother to you then you're wrong

i started playing HoN in beta and then tried LoL in the beta stage too as i knew it was a similar type of game and instantly didnt like the slowness/graphics, also the minimap was a fucking mess, huge retarded player circles and unclear as shit (may have changed now, im talking about in beta remember) i have since played LoL but only a few games with friends, it was "okay" (i raped) no denies + using skills to last hit majorly in LoL cause of low mana cost kinda ruins the fun a bit for me though, if i wanted to pve i'd take a jungle hero

there's ridiculously little range between creep fight areas + towers and the river is tiny in LoL compared to HoN/Dota, combine that with people taking longer to kill in LoL because of lower cooldowns/less dmg spells people take a lot longer to kill, it's a safer game to play, also no TP's for ganks/counter-ganks
If you want a competetive top notch game, go for HoN. Sadly the community is filled with crybabies, whiners and trolls. HoN is a lot less forgiving and will punish you hard for making mistakes. Bad positioning => You die. You die => you loose money. HoN has a lot to rage about. Theres a lot of times I dont feel like playing HoN since its always a bit tense.

I played a bit of LoL. It was a lot more newbfriendly, but I missed the deeper levels of HoN. No courrier, no TP, no stacking creep, no pulling creep. LoL felt a lot slower, wheras HoN can have a hectic pace with +20 kills in less then 15 being normal.

I prefer HoN since its more skilled but I understand LoL is a lot more popular among mainstream gamers. Imho, HoN fucked over by using f2p model for a competetive game. Its just impossible to get all the heros without having a legacy account.
Seems like there are more players @ lol then @ hon
More people play LoL so it's better game, deal with it faggot.
players dont have anything to do with the quality of it. LoL sux face it.
hon > lol.

lol got more support:(
What i notice here is that LoL players never really go in debt if they say "LoL>HoN" and as for the HoN players they all seem to have a lot of reasons what is missing or why they prefer HoN over LoL.

I played both and i can see why people like LoL since its really casual and almost everyone can pick that game up in 1/2 months of playing and have a decent skill.

When i played HoN it just feels more like a real game that has more dept to it and you really depended on your teams hero picks -> thus it can be annoying to play alone since you never know who you gonna end up with :P.

I guess i overdrive is the only one that made a comment that is not biased on what game they play theirselfs.

weird things i have seen posted:
LoL graphics are better than HoN's
"playing hon for some dumb point click winning, playing lol for intense challenge"(dont know if this was a troll tho).
Casters and Supporter more usefull than in HoN - They can maybe kill more themselfs, but thats why i prefer HoN since the roles you play is really the role you need to play else your team is fucked.

Old journal so i hope someone is gonna read this some time
I've only played LoL, so can't comment on HoN.

However, most arguments i've seen about why lol is bad or only for noobs are rubbish. For example, because ganking is harder in LoL there is no skill because you can't gank? Wat? Doesn't that actually mean ganking takes more skill in LoL?

Some other argument found in this thread:
Bad positioning in Hon means you are dead. Same thing applies to LoL and too bad positioning will kill also your team and will lose you the game. Can't see difference there either.

Picking the wrong champ will lose the game in HoN. Also no difference there. Playing against the wrong champ on a lane for too long, say feeding him only 4 times will lose the game.

Because you actually have to go back to shop, you need to time it well in LoL. Can't see how that is less skilled then using a courier?

Pace is slower and it takes longer to kill in LoL, so it is safer? Perhaps, but then again it takes more skill to secure the kill then doesn't it?

I don't even know the game yet, some 400 games played. In my opinion it's just HoN nerds saying there is no skill involved in LoL.
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