Breakfast journalo

Was just wondering what you guys generally eat for breakfast.

My typical morning includes either:

image: fruit


image: boterhammen

However, my bread does look more tastier than the one on the picture.

Another question: Do you guys have image: bakkerij1 where you can buy fresh loafs of bread and pastries and the likes or do you need to go to the supermarket and buy some image: bread-in-supermarket-1-DHD ?

I don't eat breakfast, but if I do it's usually one sandwich. That only happens like twice a year though.
Why do you want to know that btw?
Cos I was eating my breakfast and suddenly wondered what other people in Europe eat for breakfast!
Different you know? But i eat with variation in the morning some yoghurt with milk. And later in the morning some bread with (cheese,kipkerriesalad,meat)
Ah, chicken&kerry salad. Best invention ever.
Do you like it sometimes is it nice dont eat it too much :P
I love it, eat a 200gr-box in roughly 2-3 days :D
:P I pref to much kerry on it ^^
Always something which releases energy slowly like Alpen, Weetabix, Porridge.

Nomnomnom! With skimmed milk ofcourse!
full fat milk wtf!
Nice compilation of noise you got there
My tune is awesome. Do you deny that?
Yes, you'll understand why in a year or two
Guess I'll have to key your car then.

Edit: loved this song for 6 years, doubt 2 more years will change anything.
Nice track.
Yeah, Filterheadz are amazing.
so rude guy you full of angry
image: 29glcvm
Coffee and cappuccino flavored protein shake :)
I only eat breakfast at home on weekends. usually it's some pre-packed stuff that has to be heated up (frozen bread, toast etc) or sometimes we make pancake.

on working days I hit the bakery on my way, and buy something like a croissant and eat it when I arrive at work.
Porridge every day (except weekends sometimes) and 2 large cups of black coffee.

Consisting of (rough measures):
150g oats
400-500ml water
10-15g grounded flax seeds (healthy fats)
10-20g wheat bran (for fibers)
200g low fat quark
Artificial sweetener
1 apple
(Sometimes pimping it with some dark chocolate or cocoa powder)
--> Microwave for 7 minutes :-D

There are old fashioned bakeries here, however I find the prices for bread or other kind of stuff relatively expensive compared to the porridge ingredients. Also their nutritional value isn't as good and I somehow need to eat way more of their stuff compared to porridge to feel satiated (so in the end it's WAY more calories etc. (that's probably just me though)).
Urtier on the fitness way?
Couple of months/year(s) already :-O
Ok i saw it on your profile picture just go on! :-)
I think I've said this a couple of times now, but the transistion is simply amazing. Well done!
Thanks. Should check out zerender's transformation, it's pretty sick as well, especially since his current weight is around 8-10kgs below mine and he started out with around 150 or so.
I feel the same about bread. It takes 7-8 slices to fill me up, which is a bit too much considering I don't move around very much these days.
But it's so damn delicious :-(
Yep, takes me even more tbh :-P
Plus there's always delicous stuff on top which adds up to the calories! Butter, cheese, ham, nutella etc.

Argh, DO WANT :[[

I'm also pretty addicted to the oats stuff though, really like it and you can have it different ways, even savory with ham and some herbs etc. Can add dried tomatos etc. Doesn't really need to be sweet (well, for breakfast sweet is a must!)
Checked your website but you haven't updated your weight since july, where you at now?
99-101, around that. Currently still a few grams over 100. Last week even at 98,8! :-D

Some cold stopped me from any sports the last week :-(
You shouldn't weigh yourself every day, once a week (lets say friday) is enough.
all i ever eat apart from lunch is bread with random stuff on it, and i'm still skinny as fuck, are you jealous?
There's nothing wrong with eating bread all the time. It's eating too much bread in one meal that's my problem!
Hmm, I usually eat like 3 or 4 sandwiches, made out of slices, or about a quarter of a loaf and just cut it in half.
Not really, there are simply ppl that don't gain weight at all to a certain age and there are also ppl that simply don't eat the amount I need to feel satiated, so in the end it's not really comparable.

Also don't want to be entirely "skinny as fuck" :-P
Well, I'm not entirely skinny as fuck, I've got some fat on my stomach, but it's hardly noticeable.
so you are skinny-fat
only when i sit down :o
not as fat as skinnyfat says, i don't have any tits
so 2/3 skinny 1/3 fat?
or 50/50 w/o tits?
dunno, my legs are skinny, so are my arms, i don't have any tits, some fat on the belly, and maybe some on my ass too
ok laets say 3/2 skinny 1/3 fat w/o tits w/ fatass?!
it's not a fat ass, it's a normal ass in comparison to a skinny ass
ok so 3/2 skinny 1/3 w/o tits and a normal ass in comparison to a skinny ass
i'm guessing you mean 2/3 and not 3/2, and yeah, i suppose that's what i'm like
fine we finally got it, here is a pic as reward
image: finnish_army
Ye its sick, Im 22 and I eat + live as unhealthy as its possible but Im like 183cm and 75kg.. Well expect sports since I play football + some other stuff ALOT but when I make food I always add max oil and salt and then I drink only normal coke and I use lots of alcohol etc..

Heard my father was same but somewhere round age of 35-40 he got bigger stomach.. So I have some time to enjoy still :D

And then there are people like my sister, if she eat 1 piece of chocolate cake and doesn't go to do some sports she will gain immediately some grams more, its weird
My father is the same, he's never done any sports in his entire life, and has always eaten/drank unhealthy, and he's got a bit of a stomach at the age of 48, but still, nobody would call him fat.
Selber! Ich wette deins ist aber nicht so niceone4one gep!mped!
LOL! Da muss ich wohl gleich mal in den Supermarkt und irgendwas zum Porridge-Battlen suchen. Erdbeeren sind schon nice :-(

(Wäre mir zu wässrig im übrigen, mags lieber pampiger :D)

EDIT: brb shop!
okok das war in nem restaurant in london.
Cheater! Morgen früh gibts den Porridge showdown! Du gehst besser einkaufen!
Game is on!

image: battleforporridgeglory
Your bananas are not ripe yet, mate.
Were the best I could find :-(

I'll keep them close to the apples over night and hope they get a bit better. Might not use them though tomorrow morning :-(
Put them in a plastic bag together with a piece of ripe fruit. Will do wonders!
MQ is missing
4 packs in the fridge :-))
und ich hab auch nich das porridge gegessen.
Hätte ich im Restaurant auch genommen :-DDD
2.5kg draufgefressen in 3 tagen. so gehts!
image: yyporridge

Wen schickst du ins Rennen?
scheiß gestörter :DD

image: CW7PQ

Das bugatti Täschchen reissts evtl. raus!

leider passte das ganze Obst nicht mehr wirklich ins Bild. Deshalb porridge ohne Obst :-(
das is nich meine tasche! aber ich applaudiere dir für soviel begeisterung am frühen morgen wochentags. am wochenende bring ich das evtl auch zu stande!
Ok! Das Wochenend-Porridge Battle ist hiermit ausgerufen! Ich hab ja frei als Student und später gehts nach Köln Karneval feiern. Du könntest eine Chance haben, falls ich Sonntag noch neben der Mütze bin :-D
ah ja bei euch beginnt ja heut der karneval! dann wünsche ich frohes leberzerstören, mein freund!
Thanks, will do!
i don't eat breakfast, only coffee, although, if i have to go somewhere and i know i won't be back until lunch, then i eat a banana or two
I don't eat breakfast because if I would it would probably be rice with something which doesn't really taste too great in the morning :|
Wow! Why people feed their children with food that is full of food colorant?
I mean your cereals just look nasty.
my breakfast:
image: pGNC1-3767597dt
image: SetWidth340-FormeldreiParisienneVerte01
t will kill you!!!
150-200g porridge oats
300-400g milk 1.5%
100-150g bananas
In EstoniaEstonia we have normal white bread in supermarkets, like the ones you get from bakeries.

I usually eat sandwiches also. Too lazy or sleepy to do anything else in the morning.

ps.I dont get the jam part. Why put something sweet between cheese, ham or sausage?
It's not and, it's or. Or meat, or cheese, or jam.
I eated soon a frikandellbroodje:P
It's like I corrected, not like you did :D
Sup, Rhand!

1. Supplements
2. 200 g oats
3. scrambled eggs (5+1)
4. cup of coffee + a piece of chocolate
sup! don't know who you are though!
just hallo!
just a bowl of corn flakes with milk and a mug of tea afterwards, just too zombie for anything more complex at 7.15 @,@
sigaret and glass of water
Usually I only drink a glass of some juice, and wait till 11am (school food). If I eat anything i will throw up within 1 hour of eating.
one sandwich :D
Sup Kim!

don't eat breakfast, breakfast is for pussies!
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