New Zealand VPN

hi there,

its already friday 11/11/11 in NZ and Skyrim is released over there.
so im in need of a free new zealand vpn.
i dont know a shit bout chaning my internet setup etc so it would be perfect if some1 knows a free programm like FlyVPN or Hotspot Shield just with a new zealand vpn.

Or you could just wait a fucking day. It's a single player game, it's not going anywhere.
very helpful reply mr admin
hes essentially right, to be fair. Just wait for the game to come out here, dont be an impatient arse
its not about beeing impatient, i simply wont have to time to play it during the next days. and in the end it is my decision when and where i'd like to play the game i paid least i bought the game and didnt downloaded it.
and a nz vpn would be my opportunity to see the game and play it at least for some hours before leaving.
its not your decision when to play the game when you are trying to play it before release date. By buying the game, you are paying to abide by the companies policies i.e when they release the game. Just because you have it in your hand it doesn't mean you have any more right to play it before release date than me, for instance, who hasn'y got it in their hand and has no inclination to buy it. Wait until it is released.
so there is a paragraph inside the companie policies which prohibits specifically a proxy/vpn usage?

E: dont get me wrong, normally i dont have a problem with waiting till the release date, but its a bit frustrating. i simply wanna get a quick look arround by myself.
the rule is that if you live in Germany you don't play a game until it is released there, whether you have paid for it already or not.
you are generally rigth but i still wanna get a quick view of the game. and a new zealand vpn is my opportunity to get what i dont act like a moraliser.
You're still lucky, though. If you were from New Zealand, you'd die one day earlier.

E: In other news, I'm kind of uncertain whether I should go to school tomorrow. I've already been absent from too many classes this period, and exam week starts on next week's Friday. On the other hand, Skyrim should be arriving tomorrow morning with the post (unless Finnish postal service screws up, in which case I have to go buy it for 20e more from the supermarket)..
Well in your case school should be the primary target to be honest.But i know that feeling either skyrim or useful things. :S
Anyway good luck gettin skyrim tomorrow morning. :)
australia/new zealand connections even trough vpn are fucking slow, just wait like 12 hours and it will be better
just been released :)
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