2 LCD displays

Well, I wanted to buy a new 19" LCD display, that would be nice for gaming, watching movies, graphic, etc. I traveled through some review websites. Was not very happy about them. And I stopped on 2 displays:
1) ViewSonic VX924:
image: vx924
Response written by company : 3ms/4ms
Price : 580$

2) ViewSonic VP191B
image: vp191b
Response written by company : 8ms
Price : 680$

Their latency comparising:
image: vx924_latency

If u look @ vx924 latency u will see that latency raise up to 32ms(when it goes grey-to-grey). But according to many reviews their "overdrive" technology makes this long action very short till 4.5ms by giving more voltage on each pixel, so when u play games it's perfect. Only negative thing is that when there is a grey smoke in the movies it's becoming noisy. VP191B according to table has more stable latency. But VX924 is not so expensive as VP191B. Both displays show very bright, sharp and real colours. Viewing angles are not high(~160/170), because of structure of TN+film panel.
Maybe u have these monitors or another that in ur opinion is better than that. Would be nice if u share some experience.

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