BKaC fr0m TEH dentist

9 moar holes to go, under anesthesia eating my lip like a boss

image: steve-martin-dentist-little-shop

lol wtf, really? Never had a problem with my teeth, ever. They say that the UK has the worst teeth in the world, well it can't be true as everyone I know personally has perfectly fine teeth, and I know a lot of people :D.
Same tbh, everyone I know has pretty much perfect teeth. I have the worst teeth out of everyone I know, and all that's wrong with my teeth is they are slightly squint at the front :o
Don't see how Brits have been stereotyped as having bad teeth :S.
u must be kidding, every brit i know has bad teeth
Weird, I do not have 1 friend or friend of friend who has bad teeth. Where have you seen these Brits? I'm guessing you mean the people who come on holiday to ES? They're old or alcoholics:D, they're not people lol.
pretty much in the london area
havent been to the dentist for 10 years, not a single serious toothache
was for the first time in 3 years couple of months ago, had 4 or 5 small holes, 2 of them were sooooooo painful x.x didn't want anaesthesia, as the ones before were np..won't happen again :S
i'm not surprised and i can pretty much see why you have so many teeth problems
they can jew you and they still have to spit you out
Robaciek's life story
oddly enough it's not

so ugly even bacteria keep themselves away
my dad is a dentist
My tits are fine
need to have 3 fillings and 1 molar removed :<
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