Cheap smartphone

Going to buy myself some cheaper smart phone, because it will prolly brake soon or I will lose it so no point in buying a 600€ phone.

But I have narrowed down my options to :

Samsung Wave II

Samsung Galaxy Ace

HTC Wildfire S

All are only 249 €

I myself prefer Galaxy Ace because of the android. Although HTC has the same, it has slower processor and it's small kind of.

Almighty CF, please help me :)
Iphone 4
I am not a hipster + Galaxy S II is better for that price.
If hipsters hate mainstream, why do they all have iPhones?
Not in Europe. At least like 2 years ago, only faggots bought iPhones.
Aint considering USA here, cause they are bunch of fags anyways. Not using metric system and all other stuff like that.
its funny to see you talking like this, while u are considering to buy galaxy ace which looks almost like iphone 4
But costs one third of it.
so u are one third of a faggot in that case
Almsot every smartphone looks alike. So please, go abck to your cave mister.
nope, im just refering to your retardness, you are flaming iphone while u are willing to pay 250 euros just for a cheaper copy of it or lookalike, im sure u would desire buying iphone, just to try it, but u dont have enough money, instead u flame and call iphone users faggots :) dont be mad now
It didnt even cross my mind that it looks like iPhone btw.

But if you want to go down that road, then iPhone is a copy of LG ?

"you mad" doesnt work anymore, bro. So just stop being an idiot and be happy with your 1000€ iPhone.
faggots and musicians buy mac books.

but like every1 has iphone, I myself have G S2 and it's alot better than iphone what I've seen.
I'm a radio DJ and OSX is overrated with audio production.
I totally agree with you!
because they are hipsters...wait what?!
lmfao no actual hipster would ever buy an iphone, and im talking about europe, they wud go for one of your picks tbh
As I said, 2 years ago it was another way around.

But for me iPhone is too expensive anyways. So really dont care
250€ is not cheap.
For an smartphone, it is. It's just below average. 300€ is the most average price.
:O will keep my 3310 then
it was the best phone ever!
Wouldnt switch anyways but my Sony Ericsson W810i is quite hard to recharge. It needs to be under constant pressure etc :D Just cba anymore :D
you can get cheaper ones too.. for around 120 euro you have a basic smartphone which is equal or even better compared to the Wildfire S (well only the cam is worse on the cheaper one)
buy samsung galaxy s2 <33
Too expensive.
buy galaxy S then :)

have it and still love it <3
wildfire s
Any reason why?
Samsung Galaxy S2
why do you want a smartphone ?
To be cool.

But it's just time to move on. Was browsing some regular phones, but like 40 € more and you get a nice smartphone already.

+ it is my birthday present. So why not get a smartphone
it's a nice present, but i think cheap smartphones become boring to use after some time
boring to use? so making phone calls gets more boring on a cheaper phone? or gets more boring on a cheaper phone? The one and only thing you cant do with cheaper smartphones is playing all the so called HD games, and those games get boring after a few minutes too so I think you'll be more bored with an high end smartphone because you realize that all the games are shit (except the simple ones) and you could have better bought a cheaper phone so the bad games with shit controls on touch screen wouldn't have annoyed you..
Only game I will prolly play is Angry Birds :D
no point in buying a smartphone just to make phonecalls or to text... Well maybe it's just me, but after some time i'm bored of all the apps i have in it. Also, aren't the cheap ones slower ?
It's true that the cheaper phones are slower. And I can notice the difference but I got to patient to wait one second longer to open an app. When the app is started I can hardly notice any difference between my ZTE Blade and a Samsung Galaxy S2. Only the games dont run that well on my cheapass smartphone, but i dont that much games on it mostly reading the news when on the toilet or when waiting. And ofcourse I use it for push email and navigation.
so he can have the word 'smart' related to him in some way.
i just got htc wilfdire s.

must say its a really nice phone to have as first smartphone, i also dont need very expensive phones because its not worth my money. but its definitely worth having an htc :)
dual sim android

thats the shit that i cant find in PT
Hoi lieveling hoe gaat het met Jou :$
Nexus S

+ Still supported, fast, sick screen with all you need from android.
- battery, bit plastic
What about a Galaxy S (old version)?
I have the galaxy ace, that's a really good smartphone for its price. You just can't use/install flashplayer.
sgs 2 - 440€
HTC Desire HD
ipod touch + cheap ass mobile phone = iphone for 1/3 or 1/2 price
smartest phone evah

dunno why everyone had one though
Take the Galaxy Ace m8. Its the better phone. Nice screen bit larger then the wildfire. Nice camera , swype for those who use it and feels better to me.
I work at a phone shop but if u real want a decent smart phone get atleast a Galaxy S Plus its the middle road between the Ace and the S2. or heck even a Desire S.

Both are not as expansive as the S2 or iphone4S or HTC sensation. but will do u much better then the Ace or Wildfire
The fact is that I wont be using that phone for some internet shit so much(Have my laptop in uni and in lectures etc). So I dont need the better phone :)

For me the price just outweighs the product, which I get when using some kind of phone. And having a 300€+ phone is just ridicilous in my opinion :D But that's just me.

But thanks, was going for the Ace and thanks for confirming it.
trust me, the maps + GPS you will use so much :)
here's a phone for u

image: 1844
NOKIA 3310?!?! I guess it would still work in 50 years! best phone ever
yeah :D

still remember when I got it. I felt like a baus!
Have it too :)

But for a birthday present I needed something and thought about a new phone.
well gl!

hopefully u find a phone that pleasures you :P
if u dont use internet on it why get a smarthphone??? get 20 € phone and be done with it:P
Ofc I will use it. But not like hardcore in every second and every hour.
galaxy mini / ace or htc wildfire or even the google nexus
All good phones and will do what u like.

If i were to go for one it would be the nexus.
Already bought the ace. I like Android + there's no Nexus here.

And got the Ace with 200 € only :)
ZTE Blade owns all of them and just 120 euro here in NL (android, 3,5" 800*480 display, GPS, easy to unlock, many custom roms avi). I'm currently runnign a Android 2.2 rom on it but there are 2.3 roms avi also, and flashing them on the phone is really easy!
You should indeed look for a ZTE Blade (Orange San Francisco) if you want a really cheap smartphone that still outperforms any of your choices above.

Other than that you should be even able to get a Nexus S in that pricerange. It's probably by far the best phone under 300 Euro currently, especially since it will get the Android 4.0 update this year still. (You might have to wait way longer for other phones or "mod" them).

Getting myself a Nexus S as well for christmas (unless there's something better in that price range, not gonna pay more than 250!)
I really dont want to experiment with ZTE.

And our mobile companies dont offer Nexus S :(
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