ET "lags" without tzac

While I play with tzac I dont encounter any problems but now I started et without tzac and I get sort of a short freeze every 3 seconds. Didnt notice this on my previous pc ever but currently I have new pc and win7 so could be the problem related to that or something? Wondering if anyone would have similar experiences and could help me in distress..

image: tumblr_lo3alqH2mT1qb6ce8o1_500
cant help but got the same problem since tzac kinda broke down today and took et kinda with it

since then it keeps lagging for me without tzac and can't log in to tzac so the only option was to play et with massive laggs...
Looked at the chick without helping.
i had some probs, but they were only W-LAN made
same shit different day I had
Play with TZAC
it's a ploy from chaplja to make us even more dependent upon his anticheat!!!!!!!!!1111oneone
happens on PB servers ? Because I have those freezes when I play on PB servers.
happens on every kind of servers on every kind of mod.. even without pb it freezes every 3 seconds for like 0,3 seconds, just so that you can notice the twitches..
PB screens every couple secs, you cant do anything, its normal... nothing new
-@-@- 'hihi
If you are on wireless download :

Else there is something wrong with ur PC, because playing when less resources being taken because tzac is off shouldnt make u lag...
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