ET is de_ad

Jere I agree with you ET is really dead or is it already.

Last night I was looking for a war and I was waiting for 2hours.
(btw sucky war)

ET is dead in the active competition, but public will always stay active.
(BiO,NBS,Jaymod,NoQuater) Maybe i search wrong for a war? is the right channel? No ET is just dead in the competition mode.

Public only
Very nice english indeed
Leuk man.
All quit already so i can win my EC pocal!
Blame TZAC, we whined that PB did lag for 5% of the players but now nobody can use SLAC at all.
It's better for the ET community to make a list with the active people and making a channel on MIRC
5% is wrong,

was more like 75%.

played a war yesterday with pb, was lagging as hell.

and too much private cheats bypassed pb.
uhm normally I don't have problems to find wars up to 3 am

But trying to find a war when Skyrim is out and TZAC is down, what do you expect :D
Yesterday around 19:00 was TZAC not down ^^
"Last Night"

Was down at like 22:00.
You can find wars/offis till 5 o clock in the Morning :D so stop crying
low skill yes
cf med/+ tho!
so queens,highbot,credibilis & co are not better than med in your opinion?
I said that before I knew who you have played against, but I still consider some players of those teams as cf skill.
Maybe you 're just an unknown guy and nobody wants to play vs you
fun cant accepting that ET is dead D: hahaha go play ET active pls
The community thats searching a war on mIRC is 70% unknown so hahaha oh who are you uhm oh top5 of ET :DDDDDDD

Excuse, didn't want to excite you that hardly
last night i pwned u hard
maybe because tzac is down retard
this game is fucking ancient, when are people gonna realise that
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