ET xreal connection probs

Did you try Et xreal? I cant connect to any server. Different error msgs. Sometimes it also says to enable punkbuster even if it already is. Than i try to click the enable button again but same shit all the time.
patience young padawan
why patience? must server make some changes for beeing compatible with this thing?
I'm not a rocket scientist but I think it is quite obvious that it won't work on normal server, just wait for a proper release
not rly obvious.
it is, since they maps have to be changed
well they could have written a notice about this in the news than. Or if there is such a notice than visualize it better. And why they relase it but have no server where ppl can join? Or if there are servers why they dont tell the ip's in the news? zszszszs
hmmm 2 servers showing up on sl... will test tonight.
They made a news post about it or somthing, else i didnt knew it;p
what ipwnnubswithknife said
no probs here
I tried it, but it has lots of bugs for example in grush in front of the bank door you automatically start to lose hp unless if the tank destroys the door :D and at one spot you randomly fall into the ground :D and also construction box dont disspear after the tank is passed. other than that its worth pubbing so far :DD
also you can go try on this server
tried it, closed it.
its flat ETmain since on my config there aint no graphics enabled.

btw that guy that developed it is a little strange.
met him on the server together with 2 other guys.
he kept standing in spawn since we were talking about the development and i was just killing him.
all of a sudden he started sending me kickwarnings and started flaming because Spawnkilling was not allowed on that testserver :DD
hes a randompubhero :P
lol:D i hate dumbasses like that seriously.
yea i was totally like wtf... still i m curious if this xreal project is gonna lead anywhere useful in the future.
i mean who needs new graphics in a q3 enginebased game?
noone could tell me the plans or the purpose for the community of xreal so far
cuz there is only 1 server running et-xreal u genius
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