ET xreal connection probs
11 Nov 2011, 09:35
Did you try Et xreal? I cant connect to any server. Different error msgs. Sometimes it also says to enable punkbuster even if it already is. Than i try to click the enable button again but same shit all the time.
its flat ETmain since on my config there aint no graphics enabled.
btw that guy that developed it is a little strange.
met him on the server together with 2 other guys.
he kept standing in spawn since we were talking about the development and i was just killing him.
all of a sudden he started sending me kickwarnings and started flaming because Spawnkilling was not allowed on that testserver :DD
hes a randompubhero :P
i mean who needs new graphics in a q3 enginebased game?
noone could tell me the plans or the purpose for the community of xreal so far