Weird lag probllem tzac

This is gonna sound extremely weird, however, it's happening to me. It seems as if I can't play without tzac, otherwise, I fps lag down to 20 fps from 125 literally every second. I normally play with a solid 125 while i open the game with tzac. I would like to tj but i can't because of the lag, and can't use tzac on tjmod servers. Any thoughts?
if u use nvidia gpu. go nvidia control panel -> manage 3D settings -> program settings- -> turn thread optimization off for ET

hope it helps..
oh cool. didnt know this. thanks!
tzac not working atm dude
right, which is why this is worse for me...
TZAC website back up :P
it was gone? xd
had a database error since yesterday :/ i'll shut up :D
i will check my tzac settings and lags

oh wait

Typical polakjokes..

Not funny
I wouldn't know a fix.. my dearest Americunt <3
have same problem :<
there are alot of people with this problem
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