Star Wars The Old Republic


Just wanted to share with you the amaizign thing that I got today morning when I opened my email.

Your account has been selected to participate in an upcoming Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Beta Weekend Test. If you have previously tested or are currently participating in an ongoing test, you will be invited again. Additional details for this upcoming test will be announced soon.

Oh yea. Now I just need the fast Internet :D
amaizign story bro
You do realise that's a virus yea
may the force be with you, son
same here, gz 8D
the force is strong in this one
just found the same thing in my inbox
It's because they're having a weekend stress-test for their servers, I think just about anybody who signed up got an invite.
Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Beta Weekend Test

same but not only for weekend :) <3
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