Skyrim user interface fix

Go to weapons / magic using the uber usefull console GUI. Select the weapons / spell you use all the time, next press F to favourite it.

Leave the epic console GUI and go ingame again. Now press Q (A for azerty users) to go to your favourite weapons / spells you use all the time, the ones you just added to your favourites.

Press 1 - 9 to hotkey you favourite weaponns / spells in the Favourites menu (Q). Single tap 1-9 will activate the weapon / skill you just hotkeyed. Double tap will make you dual wield it.

Currently playing high elf - mage at highest difficulty settings. Heavy armour / no weapons, only magika :) Great game, user interface is a console port bitch.
How the hell are you able to kill a dragon @ highest difficulty? :XD
you cant enchant heavy armor with useful mage buffs afaik...
the fav menu is new but you could already bind 1-9 in oblivion, also dont understand how thats a fix.
Its rather the way of how you bind them on 1-9 now I suppose :D
The UI isn't that bad. The only thing that bugs me is having it split up behind two keys, Tab and Esc.
It's not any worse than Oblivion's UI was, and I think it's definitely better than the Fallout 3 UI.

go to one minute, how about a normal mouse user interface like every single RPG game that came since Diablo?
Expecting something like that nowadays is just silly. Besides, Morrowind's system had its problems, too. Like when you had an inventory full of crap and had to look for one specific item, you had to hover over way too many icons to view the tooltip before you found what you were looking for. I'm fine with both list and tile style inventories.
thx captain obvious
Been wondering how to hotkey them! Thanks.
fix? was hoping u gave a patch to fix the bugs with favorites when you change all the assigned keys (like changing favorites to c, droping to q for instance) :). I just had to try different methods till it finally worked without bugs.

I am high elf with heavy armour and no weapons also doing the Winterhold quests :D. I tend to think that Oblivion's gameplay was faster and had a better flow, but as I go on I like what they did more and more.
Im playing wood elf heavily relying on archery/sneak to devour my opponents with light armor, only on normal though because im not a MASSIVE nerd.

Also want a 'make arrows' mod :)
Hope wanted to start as an archer till I pointed out he'd be collecting arrows all the time. I wanted range, but remembered from Oblivion you end up chasing arrows all the time :'(
Just buy shitloads and hope for the best!
My Skyrim should arrive monday/tuesday - cant wait
It's not that bad.

It's just like the worst UI made in last 10 years for RPG.
getting killed by madcrubs i believe a lot
playing a sneaking cat hunter, fun game :)
yeahhh sneaky broz.

What level of sneak are you on?
no idea, ill check in a minute, busy atm :P I think my overall level is 6 or smth :d not that far yet ^^
i mean points in sneak I guess. Im @ level 14 and im rocking it hard
37 in sneak, just found out your horse doesn't respawn after it dies :((( :D We went through so much ;_; tankhorse
Landed on the head of a Dragon and got launched miles across the map, landed and the horse died, I got up and killed the Dragon, shit was hilarious, until I realised I just lost my horse :/
black cat with black beard ehehe
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