Supply crane bug abusing
hummel pummel using crane bug --> its okay

image: jotaipaskaa

I have never seen anybody following this cranebug rule. So why is it there anyway?

You just can freely use it and say c'mon we got 4 mins we have won this shit anyway.
Quote by artsarhe's not, the game could have gone completely different minus the 10 seconds or so that they got extra. axis could have set up a nicer defence, someone may have saved the day and they could have done a 3min truck hold. sadly, whatever would have happened was changed by the axis having 10 seconds less to change the game (caused by an illegal action).

This is actually the point of this case.
et is death
shit nobrains thinking they're above rules, always happens, always will
no offence bro, i meant players without a brain
i know i just were joking bro :)
ye but if you win you're the special retard
death is et
et death is
dunno man
Roses are Red.

Violets are blue.

You probably thought this was a poem.

Nope. Chuck Testa.
once a polak in my team paused while crane was activated,

crane was totally stopped while the pause was on, so we didnt win a single second, but we lost the map by forfeit, we were attacking in first round, we finished the map in less than 6mins.

you already did it in 2o2 ngr
lols what a noob
heard his mum was calling by himself
i'm pretty sure you're both misunderstanding each other, you probably mean the satchel bug, whereas he probably paused right after he pressed the button, am i right?
I thought the stachel one isnt working anymore?
very hard to do atleast :P
don't be foolish! they both know it was the pause shit
well, then humm3l is right
fuck you swani is right
i don't really see the point of that, unless you're trying to say that the bug caused the enemy to concentrate less on the game and more on the bug?
no, during the pause, the 10 seconds for the gold to go into the back of the truck, nobody could move. for all we know the entire axis team could have killed the allies, planted some important landmines, put down some well placed arty etcetc but no, the 10 seconds that could have changed the next 3 minutes of the game instead were "taken" from the game.
oh, i haven't thought about that, i guess humm3l is wrong after all
i take my comment back, i also don't have a name
thank you sir.

it's not my nickname, it's just a nick i used to register on this site, i don't have a nickname otherwise :(

i always register on websites with different names
no no, the name you used when you played et w us, i'm right, right?!
well yees, i am the guy that will respond if you say nocti
and you are rhand

right hand?
Strange how everybody seems to think the R stands for 'right'.
how are they supposed to know you're hand is made of rubber if all they do is always hate you and never talk to you xD
Beter speel je morgen, mijn laatste avond met novitas!
Rhand is just a name, the R doesn't signify anything.
he's not, the game could have gone completely different minus the 10 seconds or so that they got extra. axis could have set up a nicer defence, someone may have saved the day and they could have done a 3min truck hold. sadly, whatever would have happened was changed by the axis having 10 seconds less to change the game (caused by an illegal action).
didnt watch but it is obviously pause bug
rulebook bdiz
only bdiz can actually play his game
u got trolled by a fat yerman-polak and now u mad...thats how i see it
missing twidi's CB warrior skills. Its common knowledge that you need to put up a work to make admins force their own rules.
With those admins, sadly agreed.
Dont put it up like previous admins were any better
not hard to be better than current crew
what im talking about in my first comment is that even these supposedly "better" admins had the same problems when it came down to rules and forcing them. Dont think there's ever been a season of CB staff when you wouldnt need to be aware of rules yourself because every season clans get fucked by the CB. You think the current staff is bad? Well for me it doesnt seem to be any different from what is has always been.
stop being butthurt
Quotepausing the match intentionally during the movement of the crane on Supplydepot2
Quotepausing the match intentionally during the movement of the crane on Supplydepot2
Quotepausing the match intentionally during the movement of the crane on Supplydepot2
Quotepausing the match intentionally during the movement of the crane on Supplydepot2
Quotepausing the match intentionally during the movement of the crane on Supplydepot2
I thought about adding that too but I guessed you wouldnt take the post seriously.
Well guy's its change nothing i talked allready with the admins it was 4 mins left and we paused,
actually "fireBall" did and he give a shit.
The same was in a eurocup game and also in OC game and aslong as you didnt lose by 10-20 sec it changes nothing at all.

But everyone was dead on full: (forgive me my paintskills hahahaha)

all 6 dead on full so noone can shoot a rifle/pf or anything else and after it, they didnt manage to go out of the spawn, truck didnt stop any single sec. We was in west/east towers and on spawn.

Anyway was a good game, dunno why swanidius give bsturz now the image of bad losers.

gl sinnu,fuchs & specula in future.

I have never seen anybody following this cranebug rule. So why is it there anyway?

The most rules are there from 2004/05 and? and like you said noone still follow them since 2007? Because its bullshit with the crane control. Like i proof up they cant stop it, we build the crane controls and everyone was dead + they spawned then 5 seconds later, what kind of change can happen ? :)

cheers gn
2 tzac icons on desktop, i can only assume that one is tzac and the other is a tzac-proof cheat
haha sherlock :p
but you're wrong
et & cod prolly
Why are there rules then? I agree it wouldn't change anything but rules are made to be respected.
I would give you a yellow card for that.
+1 même si tu es un porc!
Just go play without all rules then. cheat freely I dont care. You just dont get what artstar said and im cba to repeat it
I remember pause abuse on goldrush (tank blowing up bank) getting team forfeit on the map in 2009

was with Garym8 though so with proper admins
you've broken a rule -> you deserve to be punished.

the fact that you're gloating about none of you giving a fuck about your unreasonable pause, describes what a cunt you really are.

i 'spose swani cant claim that the unsportsmanship like behaviour affected the outcome of the round, but he does have a point, which your puny head can't comprehend.
You should call the police ...
so very cool of you
scratch that, axis had all just spawned 2 sec ago

1 fop with full charge
3 medics
1 smg engi
1 rifle engi
Mostly I agree with you, but it's just ignorant to pause at that moment. (no offence fireBall)
It is childish and what is wrong with this community.. (& most part of the world)
It is the same behaviour as children throwing garbags upside down while they are drunk or throwing beercards throughout a bar, just to get attention & to do something that is not allowed.
They should be punished & so should fireBall (+ his team) for pausing intentionally on a moment which he obviously knew wasn't allowed. Even if it didn't matter.
usually its a forfeitwin, but with 4 minutes on the clock, it shouldnt be a problem

u should at least get a yellow card or something
das wird lustig =DDDD
they probably wouldve escorted it any way

but its not just a question of time
most players can understand that if the truck had just finished loading when you spawn instead of it already being outside east wall you have a greater chance of setting up a defense and stopping the truck early on

if the truck wouldve been at the back it wouldve actually made a difference to the gameplay since you can exit axis spawn from the back and still maybe get a frag on the allies escorting the truck

in this case axis really didnt have a chance, going up the backway would take too long so they all had to rush up main and easily got killed

10 sec added to the truck loading phase might have played a huge part in the game
image: shot0001ua
there is the spot, not sure the outcome would have been very much different though :P
palla att ni förlorar mot hummel :D
im pretty sure things couldve been different, small chance ofc but still, it couldve been different
use bug= lose

whats the discussion here?:D there is nothing to argue about, i remember jyrkz, popz, mAnki getting a forfeit because jyrkz went 999 and pressed pause and it was a coincidence the truck was loading, they had like 5 minutes to attack or so left.. that was in CB, so I see no reason why the buguser should not get forfeit..
reason is simple:it's CB
it was me and jyrkz plus someone, but yes, we lost by forfeit eventho we beat the allies by 2 or 3 mins, same case like this, wasnt intentional but rules are rules and they are supposed to be followed, imo there is nothing to argue here, yellow card/ forfeit or 3rd map should be played
Clanbase admins. Whats new?

fuchs and humm3l fighting against each other?

sounds like something wed normally only see at the asylum
Forfeitwin, nothing else.
Why besturz disconnect then after adler? because they know that they lost actually, dunno why all these flame now after the game. Bad losers at all. Specula said they dont care about the lose because 2 had to go to sleep anyway and cant play decider.

Why they dont say anything about a decider after adler? because they face it that this was a clearly rape by dQ.

regards sandmann
To be honest there wasn't even a second map needed nor a decider when they won by forfeit since you used the cranebug, no matter what the fucking admins says, the rules are clear, and are there to be followed.
Check cb, the rule says they map the won. Not the full game tbh :)
Rematch then, and don't fucking pause without a reason then --'
Then play the fucking decider u stupid cunt
actually your team started disconnecting and me and specula was left on the server for maybe 10mins?

and this talk about not asking for decider:

Quote by [2:00]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 5:47 (original: 7:48)
dQ.humM3L [Intermission]: ggz
bSTURZ! yEnch [Intermission]: GG
[Intermission]: dQ.humM3L disconnected
[Intermission]: bSTURZ! yEnch disconnected
[Intermission]: dQ.FiREBALL disconnected
[Intermission]: dQ.Kevji disconnected
[Intermission]: dQ.predi best disconnected
[Intermission]: bSTURZ! nothoy disconnected
bSTURZ! sPECULA:O)))) [Intermission]: wp
bSTURZ! sPECULA:O)))) [Intermission]: gg
bSTURZ! slajdareren [Intermission]: decider?
dQ.tiMo [Intermission]: gG
dQ.tiMo [Intermission]: wat labberste
[Intermission]: bSTURZ! PlAyer^ disconnected
[Intermission]: bSTURZ.fuchS disconnected

I have no idea if the others could play more though, probably not. :P
Probably because after the stupid and lame stunt your team pulled, they lost all the motivation to play against guys like you...

It's like trying to play competitive BF3. First opponent will be cool and the second team will play with lame with infrared and tactical lights. Bye motivation.

I can understand why they left, as your team ruined their motivation to play a decider/3rd map against a team like you. I'd go like w/e too and just request a forfeit win.

You germans think that you can get away with ANYTHING... ANYTHING when it comes to war.... Well, guess not. There won't be a red cross or church this time to help you out mister Odessa
What admin did u talk to? Cos if you dont get forfeit win from this there are few games that i would like to get cancelled.
rematch them all
ban kick and rape humm3l
who artsar ???
where vila???^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
i'm off now cheers
Quoteuse bug = lose
QuoteET Stopwatch 6on6 rules

Quote Following tactics are to be considered illegal:
pausing the match intentionally during the movement of the crane on Supply
bug exploitation of any kind

QuoteIt is not allowed to take advantage of or abuse bugs. Any kind of bug abuse is considered cheating and will lead to a forfeit loss, unless otherwise mentioned specifically in the game-related rules.

The only thing up for debate is whether disQonnect lost Supply only, or the whole match. I'd personally change the whole result into 1-0 for bSturz since disQonnect refused to play decider.
I have never seen a comment of you that I wouldn't support a 100%, same goes for this one.
What about my comment under this? What do you think?
I dont agree about the first sentence, he is a huge faggot since his birth I think..
I feel you!

Im off to bed now, nighty nights.
hummel has turned into huge faggot these days its amazing :D
The fat russian subhuman thinks that he can actually use the cranebug in an official match? :DD

What a fucking retard :DD
thanks for my monday morning laugh :D
Btw, dQ had the crane controls LATER than bsturZ, so all this acting tough about 4 minutes left on the clock is bullshit imo + many teams have held better teams for a longer time at that position, meaning that the 10s could have been important. In short: I fully agree with Artstar and Pepper and at least a decider was needed.
i just watched replay and.. lol hummel is just talking bs here..

when bsturz attacked, they built crane at 7:44 , and dQ defended 4 min that last stage,

when dQ attacked, they built crane 0:11 secs slower and paused right then for no reason,

and bsturz didnt get the chance to defend last stage, which can be easily hold for those remaining 3 min on time, so actually bsturz would have defend less time that last stage.

also at end of map 1 guy asked for decider..

and wtf anyways , seen many times people automatically loose the map for doing that crane shit, so either play decider or just forfeit win for bsturz.
thanks for your in depth analysis
someone is still mad
ye keep bragging that you won against me, it just make me feel better.
madder than mad
"wait ive got no argument, im just gonna ask if hes mad"

ty hui sosesh?
someone is still mad
for once i fully agree with what artstar and anyone else here is claiming. those 10 seconds are crucial indeed, they're a major part of the last defence and the outcome can hardly be predicted afterwards just by considering the time left. so yea, forfeit for bsturz
So the game was frozen, except the gold moved. After it was un-paused. The gold was already in the truck.

So the truck could have moved right away after the pause by the allied team. This made sure that the methods(think and act) for axis and for allied changed. The moment everything stood still except the gold is about 10 seconds? In those 10 seconds the axis could've killed all the allied, and set up a new defense. And this ofcourse creates a possibility to hold the attackers for the needed time. It's a small possibility, but it is a possibility the defending team the axis didn't have. So hereby allied have cheated an extra possibility for them.

It can only be balanced if the defending team will try later to defeat the time, in stopwatch round 2. Also pauses once button of the crane is pressed.

Since the defending team had attacked already( it was round 2 already) there is not a way to restore the non-fair balance.

A method to not create the possibility of bug-abuse (time advantage) is to, or once button pressed which allows you to move the truck right away. The other options is to implant a pause after the button is pressed.

So due you(abusers) can't accept that you cheated. We have to adapt the game (map in this case) in such way you can't cheat. You also don't like it if people you play against will cheat with wall hack and aimbot. Then don't cheat yourself either with buying time.

This map should be a win for the team which had due this event the disadvantage. The bug at supply crane is in most of the rules. Thereby you had the information to not pause at that moment due map "bug".

Now feel the consequences: you lost the map supply.

image: yesitis2

+1 mostly

QuoteIt can only be balanced if the defending team will try later to defeat the time, in stopwatch round 2. Also pauses once button of the crane is pressed.
just not this one, since some teams are stronger in the last stage than others, throwing off the balance again...still somewhat, yea :P
Once the non-balancing event was caused by a "mistake" of the human in this case. The option you quoted is a way to restore the event to balanced :)

And if you can see that we can make this a part of the game. We can due this "mistake" make games where you can stop time as fast as you can after you pressed the button. The human which trained the best with this knowledge will be the one pressing pause fastest after pressing the button.

So from every mistake we can learn to give the balance a different shape.
If the balance was stable, a human wouldn't have made a mistake.
if you would make it an actual part of the game on the long run you'd propably balance it out again, yes. but so ar teams are prepared for the last stage, so this does favor teams being weaker in this situation. no matter in defence or offence. but after everyone got used to it, sure it does :D

(and i doubt that it was a "mistake", what are the chances?)

rebalance always favors the one disturbing the original condition
Humm3l, fat nerd. You lost.
Pretty weird if Goldorak and szczurek arent following the rules.
the thing about rules, is that if you have them, you have to abide by them and follow them to the letter.

the thing about the crane bug, is that you cant see into the future.... if you pause at that point in the game, you dont know if that 3 minutes left on the clock will be enough to that 10 seconds youve stolen, might win or lose the map for you. you've made that choice to think "fuck, we need 10 extra seconds" , sorry, youve forfeighted the map. not match, but map.

Deal with it.
rNk: i am lame-ass i have acces to be lame in war/public.
what makes some1 think 10 seconds doesnt make a diff.. lol
its not just adding 10 seconds, it makes a totaly new game
from what ive seen the rules say its not allowed, so there u go, why are u arguing
stupid move of bsturz to actually finish the map then....
what could have been done different? a vote for next map was called and all pauses was already used up afaik :I
mh :/ i would pause and get an admin - i might have just ref abused it since it was obviously a bug - but the downside of continue playing is the argument "it wouldnt matter anyway"
you're all ignoring one very important part of that rule; intentionally
QuoteIt is not allowed to take advantage of or abuse bugs. Any kind of bug abuse is considered cheating and will lead to a forfeit loss, unless otherwise mentioned specifically in the game-related rules.

We could ignore the specific rule about the crane pause completely, and it still wouldn't be legal.
is exploiting the engine bug(it's not a feature) that allows you to have less recoil at certain fps an abuse bug?
As long as everyone gets to choose their preferred maxfps between
Quote command "sv_cvar com_maxfps IN 40 125"
and have all the advantages that come with the value they choose, it's pretty hard to call using any value an exploit. If you tried to snipe me with that question, I've never used the optimal value because it makes animation less smooth.
it's exploiting a bug in any case, but let me share a short story; a few years ago we played supply and there was like 11 mins left on clock when we reached the crane controls, 2 of our guys just spawned as we got up and you could hear one of them on comms going "WHAAAT? ...sry guys, brb" and he paused, not being aware of the fact we're constructing the controls at that moment and ofc the opponents went mad, he had no intention of using the bug and neither did we but he just paused at an awkward moment

an unintentional bug abuse happened and those kinds of things made the admins include the word "intentionally"
how can you pause "unintentionally" and how would we check if this was actually the case?
in the end it comes down to the admins interpretation of the situation otherwise the word intentionally wouldn't be included, the admin should check everything and decide who does the situation favour, it's not the same if you pause while having 7 mins left or 2 mins left, in this case(didn't watch, just picked stuff up from the comments) I as an admin would decide that the situation favoured the attacking side since the axis just spawned as the controls were being built and those 10 sec had no outcome that would give a disadvantage to the defending team, had they had a defense set up it would be a different story
who cares if intentionally or not? gaining an illegal advantage leads to a punishment. if intentionally is forced.. who WILL check this?

pausing with 999 in allies would be a non intentional advantage - basically just a weird coincedence??
but what if someone just minimizes his et to get 999 ingame shown, tho he actually isnt any disconnected and his team pauses onto this, since they planned it in ts? any possibility to proove this as non intentional pause to others (just a fictive question to make things look a little bit more clear what intentional means)
no outsider can definately say if such a speficic pause was intended to gain an advantage or jsut random coincidence.

i remember getting a forfeit loss years ago, cause we paused on grush while the tank was about to blow the bank doors (which he did in pause!) right b4 we spawned we hit 20 secs and sapwned up tank spawn as allies and not at cp spawn.. we had like 10 mins left in round 2 to get the tank.. still we got a loss for bugabusing - tho in the end we won with 6 mins left on the board!
you can't judge yourself if it was intentional or not but you can see the situation and judge from that, if theres 87 sec on the clock and you pause it might be for a real problem but it doesn't seem that way
still it doesnt change the fact that abuse shouldnt be divided into non-/intentional. usain bolt will get punished if he would get caught using doping. its doesnt matter if he still would have been the fastest without them.
in the end this whole discussion is more or less about priciples and sticking to to them - or not.
you can't compare that :/

I'm always, I mean ALWAYS for following rules but this with pause is very dodgy hence the word "intentionally" included
I say make a new crane that brings the gold to the allied first spawn?!
that thingie would be called 'catapult' and not 'crane'
no, im talking like a huge fuckin crane LIKE FUCKIN HUGE
tj on crane
sniper rape time
NO JUST NO cause youll be on top of the fucking huge crane which is so fucking huge that its above the clouds, thus tj on the crane and look down all u see is clouds!
rustig aan moatje
map lost --> decider should be played

sad that im not a 6on6 ladder supervisior...
death voort leve
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