need new headset

so im looking for basic headsets for gayming.
price range would be 30-40e.


thank joo
creative fatal1ty nonusb one is just fine
Sennheiser PC151...
creative fatal1ty
I'm not a fan of headsets but creative fatal1ty looks fine for this budget, my cousin also uses this and he is really postive about it.
fatal1ty all the way ...or you could try speed link medusa as well
medusa headsets are shit, worst headsets I ever used and I had all of em Medusa 5.1, usb, nonusb, medusa nx 5.1, usb, nonusb
ow :'( heard from few guys that the quality/price is ok on them.

but my question is : why the hell did u tryed all the models if from the 1st one u didn't like it :))
because these headsets are the bests for listening to music, seriously, they fucking own
but they really suck when it comes to soundbased gaming
Sennheiser HD 201+ Zalman ZM-MIC1
i'd buy some dj-headset, best isolation (else dj's would go crazy at their own concert)
and also very good sound with bass

only downside is u dont have a mic on it
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