Top 4 maps you should play in W:ET

Top 4 maps you should play in Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory!

Alpine Assault Final


"The Axis foe have converted an old mine works into a hidden bunker complex, where they are stockpiling weapons for a new offensive. The Top Secret Plans for this attack have also been kept at this location.

Can the Allies steal the plans and foil this dastardly attack by the enemy?"

Allied Objectives:

1. Take the Top Secret Plans to the Half-Track.
2. Remove the Top Secret Plans from the Safe.
3. Steal Safe Keys.
4. Control the Garage Spawn.

Axis Objective:

1. Stop the Allies from taking the Top Secret Plans to the Half-Track.
2. Stop the Allies taking the Documents from the Safe.
3. Stop Allies Stealing Safe Keys.
4. Control the Garage Spawn.

image: 401alpine_assault1
image: 401alpine_assault2
image: 401alpine_assault3

Praetoria: Mission One Final


Mission One: "Allied Paratroopers are enroute to capture a nazi airfield in northern Italy.
An advance allied ground force must destroy the Radar Control Center inside a heavily defended bunker
to allow their airborne forces to slip through the Axis Anti-Air defenses undetected."


Primary Objectives:
1 "Use your Churchill Tank to Breach the Tunnel Doors of the Main Bunker."
2 "Destroy the Power Generator to release the magnetic locks on the Radar Blast doors."

Secondary Objectives
1 "Destroy the South Entrance of the Main Bunker."
2 "Capture the City Garrison to use as a forward spawnpoint."
3 "Breach the Storage Room Entrance."
4 "Breach the South Bunker Wall."
7 "Establish a Command Post inside the Old Church."
8 "Stop the Axis from Building a Command Post in the Forward Bunker."


Primarmy Objectives:
1 "Stop the Churchill Tank from Breaching the Tunnel Doors of the Main Bunker."
2 "Protect the Generator that powers the magnetic locks on the Radar Blast Doors."

Secondary Objectives:
3 "Don't let the allies destroy the South Entrance of the Main Bunker."
4 "Defend the City Garrison."
5 "Defend the Storage Room Entrance."
6 "Don't let the allies breach the South Bunker Wall."
7 "Prevent the Allies from constructing the Command Post in the Church."
8 "Set up a Command Post inside the Forward Bunker."

Un edited pictures:)
image: 175praetoria_one1
image: 175praetoria_one2
image: 175praetoria_one3

Das Boot RC1

Hidden away in the secret base is an Axis Submarine which must be destroyed.

image: 482mp_sub_rc11
image: 482mp_sub_rc12
image: 482mp_sub_rc13

Frost 2_noPIC Final


The Allies must steal 2 Radar Prototypes out of an Axis Castle and Escape with a Truck.
To get to them they have to blow the Walls of the North and South Tower.
In the first Castle Yard there is a Room with the Door Controls for the Yard Doors. To
get better access to the Objectives Allies have to destroy them by Satchel or Dynmamite.

image: 403frost2_final1
image: 403frost2_final2
image: 403frost2_final3

Eagles 2 Ways Beta 3

The Allies attack, and the Axis defend.
The main objective for the Allies is to steal 1 document, take it to the bus
, drive the bus over a bridge and dynamite the bridge.

Allies must:
a) steal document,
b) steal the Bus Fuel (Both fuel and docs are up in the castle.),
c) take document and fuel to the bus,
d) build the bridge (near airfield),
e) drive bus to airfield,
f) take another fuel-can (more fuel!) to the plane, and
g) dynamite the hangar (to escape with the plane).

Axis will fight hard to prevent all this.

The bus can be damaged.

image: 69eagles_2ways_b31
image: 69eagles_2ways_b32
image: 69eagles_2ways_b33

:), awesome maps and they should be played.... how much more Supply can we take? Bring back Oasis tbh.
oasis is already brought back as it is in this OC season
sw_te is crap with that allied forward flag spawn and 15 sec spawntime, the last stage is just total chaos.. would definitely prefer original oasis to that one, even if it's a bit too easy to fullhold
eagles is way too easy to hold

dont know the other maps
red as a beetroot 2on2 section practice maps =)
frost2 and das boot were already played in comp before. Didn't work out.
lolllllllllll which comp did they play dasboot?
2on2 and 3on3 oc
loved das boot, as well as ufo. dont really think it "didnt work our"

i thought u ment the RTCW assault one :<
Really should give those maps a try
gold supply adler radar

to Loekino:gold=goldrush :D
I really dont mind in what maps are played, each map is fun in a way but people are too ignorant to open up to them and stuck in their old ways.

The state ET is currently in I would of thought people would be enjoying trying to inject something new into this game ;/
the reason people are still playing this after years and years is because they like it, because they dont want change and dont like the way modern FPS games have changed, injecting "something new" isnt going to bring an influx of hundreds of new players, it wont even bring an influx of 10 new players, all its going to do is make the game less enjoyable for those who are still playing it after all these years

whats so hard to understand?
The continuous decline in numbers suggests otherwise
I was just saying that new maps MAY keep people currently playing more interested, not to promote ET and gather more players.

Missile is a good example, at the start everyone hated it, some people still do, however 8 out of 10 people I have talked to are starting to like missile quite alot. Erdenberg is on the same curve as missile although not as popular.

Stumbling on a new supply or goldrush may just be around the corner..
QuoteThe continuous decline in numbers suggests otherwise

every game loses players gradually overtime, no exception, this is nothing to do with not adding new maps or not

people that grew up playing this game have been with it for so long that they're now grown up and dont have time to play it as much, they have other things they have to do, this is why you see a decline in numbers and there are very few new people coming to the game because of its age, new maps will not increase this number as there is nothing bringing them to the game in the first place, personally i think everyone is focusing their attention in the wrong place is survival/revival if the matter here

a few people leave because they're bored of playing the same maps/ET in general, but i dont think a new map or two is going to change someone who's getting bored of a game, the only thing that will is a break
Fair enough, I pretty much understand your point of view, and agree mostly.

So you think nothing can be done for this game then?
i dont think anything is going to revive it majorly no, unless it received major advertisement causing a lot of people to download it but even then most would be pubstars

some people will go through phases of finding some things more fun than others, be it pubbing, 3v3, 6v6, trickjumping, just gotta do whatever helps you enjoy it the most at the time, for some people that's new maps, for other's its not

i personally think it's too late to be adding new maps and stuff, a lot of people playing ET currently arent here for the 100% serious competitive side, learning new maps & tactics etc just isnt interesting to some anymore, like the phrase goes "you cant teach an old dog new tricks"
Imo we should get rid of all current maps and play only new maps instead.
bring back sos_secretweapons imo
I'd agree with you to bring all of these maps into competition!
only heard of dasboot, in rtcw : D
only heard of Das Boot the film
Frost 2 ftw !
MP SUB FAL for next oc :P
braundorf_b4 > *
frost_comp_2 was pretty nice imo, anyone remember why it wasn't carried on? I think it was played in the cpc2/3 qualifying games and then kind of died? :(
think u mean frost_comp_b3/4 and was played in SHG open and it was awesome, map got dropped as after the tournament it was simply left out of the mappools
hmmm i don't remember it at SHG but ok :)
I've played Eagles 2 Ways Beta 3 several times on some jaymod/nq publics, and i've to admit that it would be enjoyable with a little bit more of teamplay and coordination
Eagles is a 32server map, not a 6v6 map.
Well, it needs an improvement. Make it shorter, remove the "Jaymod" side..
Get the source :-)
I don't know anything about mapping :)
You're useless :-)
Why don't you work on a map? I could be your beta-tester and become useful :)
I don't know anything about mapping :)
You're useless :-)
Why don't you work on a map? I could be your beta-tester and become useful :)
Quoi moi? :(
I C WAT U DID DER, petit malin!
damn these all look like great maps!
supply sounds good
Braundorf, ET_ice <3

Caen :d
public map, there is too much top maps
We should have 1944_Antwerp_b3 as a competition map!
this looks pretty good!
I asked kevlar for putting new maps on BiO. And also Hunter99 from NBS but they dont want to listen. so lets care
isnt this a top5 maps? since you've hidden "Praetoria: Mission One Final" in there
mlb_daybreak for the lulz
saberpeak ftw
das boot very cool map
frost 2 comp was awesome! still one of my favourites.
Top 4 maps you should play in W:ET:

1) supply
2) radar
3) sw_goldrush_te
4) bremen

That is all.
b4 & missile > bremen
1) Supply

image: 141_0707_09_z+kawasaki_klx450+serious_face
there was a map which was similar to supply but you had to blow up a missile instead and there was a barricade which you could satchel as allies, I can't remember the name but it seemed "competition worthy".

Haemar seemed promising aswell.
grush, radar, grush, radar
+ a motherfucking million and a seven.
Need Oasis aswell tbh. I remember when nobody played Radar because of FPS lag. I was one of the few who could play with 125pfs+, oh how I enjoyed raping.
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