
Found this at web and had to share :o

16 year-old Akiane has been painting since the age of 4. By age 6 she was gaining notoriety for her amazing artistic abilities. Below, you can see the progression of her artistic talent year-by-year.

Age 4
image: artist-talent-0

Age 5
image: artist-talent-29

image: artist-talent-37

Age 6

image: artist-talent-38

image: artist-talent-39

Age 7

image: artist-talent-40

Age 8

image: artist-talent-4

image: artist-talent-2

Age 9

image: artist-talent-3

image: artist-talent-5

Age 10

image: artist-talent-6

image: artist-talent-7

image: artist-talent-8

image: artist-talent-9

Age 11

image: artist-talent-10

image: artist-talent-11

image: artist-talent-12

image: artist-talent-13

Age 12

image: artist-talent-14

image: artist-talent-15

Age 13

image: artist-talent-16

image: artist-talent-17

image: artist-talent-19

image: artist-talent-20

Age 14

image: artist-talent-21

image: artist-talent-22

image: artist-talent-23

image: artist-talent-24

Age 15

image: artist-talent-25

image: artist-talent-26

image: artist-talent-27

image: artist-talent-28

image: artist-talent-30

Age 16

image: artist-talent-32

image: artist-talent-33

image: artist-talent-34

image: artist-talent-35

image: artist-talent-36

image: artist-talent-31
wtf, thats crazy...
wow thats amazing
MarseilleLeFrancis is impressed.
no fake. she has already been at Oprah etc.

http://akiane.com/home her homepage
fair enough
thats pretty cool
I did some drawing today too (with paint). My journal got deleted.
u are allowed to share them here, as long as they dont break the cf-rules
Im afraid I might be crossing some blurred boundaries...
Amazing 0.o!
Etertaining, thanks for sharing :)
holy shit! ..that baby's eyes at Age 13 o_O
really great
Talent !
very impressive.
if only our generation had more geniuses in the field of science.
very nice

you can only paint,

with paint :D
i actually can paint, u noob !
pic or never happened
cba to take a pic of a drawing now
skilldrop at age 9 imo.
or doing lsd mabbe haha
holy mother of god!
she's gonna be rich with that!
I guess she maxed out her painting skills by the age of 13 ? Not really impressiv since you improve your drawing or painting skills faster than you would expect them to improve.


Oh she is doing poetry aswell :D I am sure she can rely on her life experience when she writes about love and all that good jazz.
L O L.....impressive but...

Et is dead.
“You obviouslly are BelgiumGifted!”
Oprah, The Oprah Winfrey Show
from her online store:

Originals ~ $5,000 - $3M
truly awesome.
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