Just played QL

didnt play for months

-> Clan Arena

-> Skill Matched

-> Lowskill because I suck, only decent with rail

Getting called "cheater", "aimbot" ( omfg first time in this game!§§/11! )

image: 9092056

keep hating :D
lol egobob
no1 cares olol
never played -> it puts you in low games -> you feel like king.
as in czech we say "oneyed among blind is a king" - bad translation, but think you'll get it.
I believe correct pro-verb is: in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
google seems to agree with you.
usually would search for it myself, but was a bit in a hurry in the night ;)
Kartez new zeroql
<@zeroE`Zodiac> just played QL with that bot
<@zeroE`Zodiac> boring tbh


<@moldu> they came in my face, fuck bukkake, fml
Hello Armenian soldier of LASERS !
More like RAPED by lasers :S
lol egobob
lets duel :)

low here
im getting raped even by low at ql :[

timing items, armor, mega & shit, annoying :D
yeah, so annoying :D thats why i suck so much because everyone is better

add buddiez: dunZ
Frags / Deaths: 63,812 / 38,620

kidding me lol
:D havent played in 2 months brah
You really like to bash noobs. :D
little bit of that little bit of this :D
seems like i already have u xd
We should play sometime :d
just watched "Source Code"

nice movie tbh :) good idea
play vs me! I cant time items or anything that would make me good :p
<@zeroE`Zodiac> just played QL with that bot

you just mad because I used to own you in QL before even cheats were out for that game :s
now youre just thinking im cheating :s
This user is tagged until eternity for Caught..
Yeah, cheated when I was like 15 -- what's your point?
a cheater once he has cheated hes always the same to me no matter how many years have passed..personal opinion
That goes for people like mAus aswell?
i once read in his interview he used a cheat just for some days or something like that but aint been busted;altough he said he didnt enjoyed that and played clean from that moment on.
And how does that differ from me? If you're gonna hate ex-cheaters, then hate them all -- else you'll just look stupid stating "a cheater once he has cheated hes always the same to me".
at least he went to lans and won them without cheats which proves he's a good player who doesent need any other "help". what about you? :DDDDDDDD
So your statement was false after all, how pathetic. Anyway, I've played good ever since SLAC came out and used it since the day it was launched.

Anyone speccing me would see I'm not a cheater.
slac? that dosnt mean shit
Well I haven't heard of any cheats out yet, and there definitely weren't the first week SLAC launched.
speccing u probably anyone will see a good experienced player as u are i think.been playing for long surely...what im saying is that slac isnt so great as everybody think; it didnt save et from cheaters. and btw if u cheated when were 15 why ur banned only now? i dont understand...

and btw im not mad and call everybody cheater becouse im bad :D why u say that? and how u know im bad?
I thought you attempted to flame me and therefor tried to flame you as well, if that weren't the case then I'm sorry.

About SLAC I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure it has made people scared of cheating because of silent detection, I'm not sure how good it is at detecting cheats though -- but I'm pretty confident there's a lot less cheaters around.

edit: And I'm still tagged because TosspoT got dissapointed when I cheated and therefor banned me permanently. After CF 3.2 I got unbanned but with posting rights revoked. Just recently I finally got posting right back, but at the expense of being tagged.
people scared of cheating? uhm maybe...there are less cheaters probably becouse they dont have fun anymore in such an old and "dead" game we can say. i hope it is this way, cuz cheaters are a paid in the ass
they call me cheater every f... time i play instagib. 120hz monitors rocks!
was playing only insta gib before, because i can only roll with rail :D

there is an huge diference between 75hz & 120? except 45hz :p
indeed. When I play my first instagib war at new monitor, noticed acc boost form 45-55 % to 85-90%
But on next maps it was going down to stable 50%. That was my first impression of this huge change.
ur eyes doesnt hurt about that change?

i remember sometimes when i was on crt, wasnt even at 120hz and my eyes was hurting :O
nope. I use 120Hz only in ET and QL, setting it by cfg. So as soon as I close the game, refresh rate is back to 60hz. And also for every hour of gaming I do around 5-10min. breaks, to relax my eyes.
Ofc its TFT, definitely more "eye frendly" than CRTs.
So I didn't noticed any eyes hurt.
nice to do some pause, it will save ur eyes accuracy ( u wont get lower sight )
Add raspberryy if you want a low opponent. :)
I want to do the same, but it's down as per usual :)
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