Skyrim Builds

While I am aware that you can play however you like and there is a lot of freedom in the levelling process, I like to have a clearly designed playstyle from the start and so far these are my observations from my limited time playing.

Assassin/Archer/Rogue etc.
+ Fun in cities, murdering random people, pickpocking, etc
+ Great opening in combat with crit
- awful once combat starts and no possibility to be hidden

Magic destruction
+ lots of damage
- screwed once you're out of magica (happened to me a lot early)
- I personally found it hard to hit magic spells on moving targets (but it might just be the shit pc I'm using)

2H warrior rape machine
+ big axe
+ feel like a boss
- need health AND stamina as primary stats
- melee combat is terrible

I know there are a million 'builds' out there but what are you playing and why?
Why is it good?
What have I got wrong in my generalisations above?
Going to buy it soon, though im not sure if it will work on my pc :(
magic destruction isn't screwed once you're out of magica. seeing as the skill trees have a perk that halfs magika cost, plus you can dual wield and that makes the skill stronger. so usely you have the opponent killed before they drain all your magika
I had the half magicka talent, dual wield talent and I had some rape firebolt which cost like 100 mana. But the mouse is so shit in Skyrim and the fire travelled so slowly that if I missed my target I was totally fucked :D
F3 for SkyrimPrefs.ini

CTRL+F for mouse or accel, theres some obvious cmd in there which enables the mouse smoothing, cant remember the exact naame. havent bother to look for mouse Y axis sens, but you prolly can fix that too.
The trick is not to upgrade the mana regen, the trick is to go for items with fortify destruction skill. Mana regen is horribly low while in combat, the only solution is to go for three jewels of fortify destruction skill. I restarted last night, but with that build (enchant + destruction) you can have unlimited mana.

Ofcourse, restoration +25 / +50 % regen is still nice, though its not what you ought to be focusing for as a mage. Anyway, mage is usually shitting on the AI, doing anything to get them stuck so you can just chill and spam some spell at them. Playing the game second highest though, most battles are a real challenge without any armor and 100 hp. Most creatures can just one hit you :)
then go enchant destruction restoration :P never died like that, i had to quit at level 18 because of vapirisem :/
have you considered not taking damage, instead of healing yourself? :D
Ask Netherlands God of ET, Master of Skyrim.
Netherlands Best rogue of Ahn'Qiraj.
Netherlands 2nd best loot roller on Jaedenar. (1st place goes to United Kingdom best rogue in TBC)
is best rogue confo or nev
confo, nev was crap (worse than bezki at boosting)
United Kingdom

image: face

United Kingdom Never ? Could be Mztik but he was playing on Darksorrow, Warrior as I recall -,-
United Kingdom confo!

(Yes Mztik was a so fucking skilled)
Wasn't Jaedenar a low-populated image: wowscrnshot_021711_162113 ? ;d
Yes, 99.9% horde. :D (more like PvCritter LOL (mayni died to a mottled boar once))
I remember that!
@max level I might add. Forgot about that!!!
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Hello Baggiez, how are you mate?
I build a bard with ear raping shouting :}
playing two handed warrior thingy, pretty nice but on certain bosses/monsters its just impossible to actually go up in your face bashing them so i end up using bow and arrow..

Also smithing and enchanting as main skills which is pretty cool, especially enchanting can make out some awesome stuff, having entire gear with bonus stats to the things you want is pretty cool!
can you also put invisibility on items again?
haven't encountered that as an enchantement only seen it on potions and as spells tbh, but i just get sidetracked in the game A LOT so i dont really focus on one particular thing :P
well, haven't played the game so far, so don't know about enchanting in it; but in oblivion you were able to use the spells you had on items, that's what i was thinking of (and if you got it as spells and still can bind them you sure can also still be invisible, no? :P)
yeh invisibility is still in it, u just dont get amulets and shit anymore that give you like 20% invis and shizzle (at least i havent found em yet). You gotta start playin tho its so coooooooooool :)
Playing sneaking archer or whatever you may call it. Once in combat it kinda sux ye, think I should level up dual wield or smth for close combat, I try to not be spotted and just sneak crit all the time with my arrows though. I want to play that game but have no time! ;_; Waiting for holidays so I can nolife a bit ^,^


anyway, enjoying brink moneys? livin' the good life ye?
yes mate, gonna be a good xmas :)))))))
My experience (albeit short) with sneak (bow or dagger) is that once you've initiated combat and are no longer hidden, you're basically fucked and get raped - also for bosses, or dragons, that you can't open on with multiplier.

It seems magic or effective 1h/2h are the only solutions to this.
I think I'll find myself in that situation pretty soon that I can't overpower my enemies anymore with just my arrows, so far I've been pretty succesfull in kiting my enemies ;d I guess that will change when I'll meet some of these dragons. I'm not that far in the game yet, but I really like the sneaking/hunter type gameplay in this game and I hate wizards overall, fakking spells and shit.. mana.. ugh, and shooting an arrow through someones head from an incredible distance is awesome x) I'll find a way to complete the game as a hunter somehow ^,^
I took down my last dragon in 10 arrows.
At the moment I'm playing a heavy armour/conjuration/restoration battlemage type. Decided not to get Destruction, because I'd have to drop out all my defence (resto spells) if I used it, and it's often impossible to stay alive without healing all the time.

So basically I roll around with a Bound Sword in my right hand and Healing/Ward in my left one, and summon up stuff when necessary. The bound weapons are shit nasty early-midgame, but fall off late game because you can't enchant them, so when the time comes I'm going to switch the bound sword for some enchanted sword.

2H warriors are quite murder too, because the two handed weapons do so ridicilous damage. I found playing a 1H+shield+heavy type character a pain in the butt: you'd beat melee enemies easy because you could just block everything, but mages (and dragons with their awful breath) would eat you alive because there's no real way to block magic, your 1H damage isn't enough to kill them in a hit or two, and they could kite you easily.
Quoteheavy armour/conjuration/restoration battlemage type

aka shaman ? ;p
Something like that, I guess.
1h and 2h are 1handed / 2handed?
Blocking > 50% magic dmg blocked by shield, go nord and you have alot of extra % in frost res, and the rest you can enchant ;)
i hope my game arrives tomorow, i think im going for the magicka/destruction path. which race is the best pick then? night elf? and what should i do to play at best then, like tips n tricks. i havent played an elders scroll game before
"which race is the best pick then?"
the one you prefer...?
i mean, is there a race better at magicka/destruction?
high elves/bretons
high elves for pure magic
bretons / imperials for hybrids
I'm playing 1h with magic at my side and light armor. Using magic to heal myself or set my enemies on fire for extra damage.

The thing is, you can switch to whaterver you want during combat. You could use daggers or bows as openers following up with magic and stronger melee weapons. I have not tried a shield yet but seeing as it can block any attack, including power-attacks it seems like a valid strat if you time your blocks right. You will need to spec accordingly to block some of the magic damage that you will encounter. I'm also going to try some dual wielding in the future although my character is not specced for it.

As a mage you rely on potions. Also not that going only destruction is not very common. I think destruction if particularly strong when combined with conjuration to draw the focus away from yourself. Same goes for assasins.

I dont think melee combat is terrible at all. You don't require to have a lot of health when you are using heavy armor. Seeing as the heavy armor makes all your health multiple with a certain factor. I haven't tried 2h but I dislike it because it requires you to switch to another quickslot in order to heal yourself or use secondary skills. I generally like to build my character all-round leaving out some one-sided things like sneak attacks, use of two handed weapons, archery and conjuration.
Main problem with dual wield = you cant block, at all.

Right now I am lvl 28 and got smithing @ 100 (just made full Dragon plate armor, and got 391 armor rating. I am not fully specced into heavy armor yet since its only 54, need 70 to be able to use the next perk)
I have smithing 100 as wel @ lvl 28 and using the light dragon armor without any perks active in light armor.
I find blocking not of much importance since you can infinitely heal yourself and with a little armor you wont have to be scared of getting 1-shotted. Im using 1h with magic so I can't block either.

Going double daggers while doing everything for the thief's guild and the dark brotherhood now.
I dont need to block that much either, but when they use power attacks, I can block it easier (It goes slow motion), and I have around 400 armor rating.. without enchants or whatsover :P
Nice nice :). I just got my nightingale armor and ebony mail which looks really cool. When you crouch you're embraced in shadows with some aura. Looking sick.

Looking for a good house so I bought the one in Solitude but I don't really like it apart from its size. Now using the one in Markarth. The mannequins are awesome!
Nightingale? =O Got Dragon armor, and I am saving up for deadric armor ;) But need deadric hearts for that!
Got a house in winterrun(dragonsreach) and in the stormcloak city. (got 15k+ sepkims but dnno what to use them on :P)
Nightingale armor is part of the thieves guild. Some sort of cult in there. Ebony mail is a deadric artifact = super awesome. The house in solitude costs 25000 and 10000 more for decoration if you like it. Markarth house is 8000 I believe.

Its true though, there is not a lot to spend your money on apart from houses. Any equipment what you find is usually worse than the equipment you can craft. The only things I buy are deadra hearts, grand soul gems and blacksmith and enchanting potions.

I heard the dark bortherhood also gives you some nice armor, nice storyline and and a cool hideout.
Playing as an Argonian Assassin like i did in oblivion aswell.

Just max your archer perk and sneak (get the +sneakattack damage) and keep leveling your one-handed but dont put perks in this.

My char probably sucks for combat but the rest its just awesome, robbing houses, randomly murdering people and just walk closely and put a knife in someone's back.

Alot of fun for me atleast
Yeah this is my preferred playstyle right now. Sneak, pickpocketing, archery - BUT once I've opened on one target I can't do anything against the next one because I don't have my crit attack.

I guess my choices are level a bit of magic or 1h weapon for when I need to engage in combat.
Womans build. I use a three hander.
Sofar the only real problems i've are bossfights like dragons or those huge frostbite spiders,

idk if you downloaded or bought the game, but right now i use max actor+object fade and the rest on low, and most oppo's don't see me even tho i shot like 4-5 arrows on them.

Mabye (i haven't done this, yet) train Illusion magic aswell so you can stun and disorientate them so you can go back in sneak-mode again
try to get the frostbreath dragon cry/skream.
that hepls so much with archery
i started playing as imperial and i have no idea whatthefuck
Did the same at first, now I'm some kind of Elf :O)
i've played it a little bit , but haz no time

should i find time or the game is meh?
Well can't really tell yet, it's good, yea, but yea well, it's good :P
so worth the time right? i just need approval

HugTheSub says its zomg epic and whole CF shouts its awesome

but i need Goku approval
You is have got my approval
full mage with erik as merc, was pretty shitty at the beginning (playing on master-difficulty) but once you get to the +%-dmg perks your damage rises miles up. mana? not really a problem since i put only 5 levels into health (currently being lvl22) every other went into mana + arch-mage robe, morokei, enchanted mana boots/gloves.
at least works really good for me.
Playing Nord 1h warrior with shield, so far raping the shit out monsters without any major problems =) So far not much in one-handed or blocking perks yet (one-handed % extra dmg only)(Deadric 1h mace doing 90+ dmg)

Melee combat is quite easy tbh =O
playing exactly the same as you lol =D
First went shaman, but then when I found out NetherlandsCrosinor was shaman as well I rerolled, priest. Good combo with SurinameN30 as warrior tanking the shit out of SFK.
Assassin/Archer/Rogue etc.
+ Fun in cities, murdering random people, pickpocking, etc
+ Great opening in combat with crit
- awful once combat starts and no possibility to be hidden

I am playing this but if you level up archery enough you are absolute RAPE. Archery is so OP in this game if you play it correctly and get the build right. Not had an issues in combat apart from when I have to storm a fort and have ~9 imperial soldiers up in my grill.
So what do you do in small hallways or dungeons?
I started a two hander warrior / destro mage hybrid just to alternate between the caster/melee playstyle whenever I wanted, going for pure damage, 0 survivability. It's pretty fun when you are not playing it on hard. I'm still level 14 though, on mage college sidequest.

edit: I'll definitely have more playthroughs, second one will be with an archer/ninja. Fuck this game is addictive.
I'm better than you anyway, don't bother writing these journals.
Wood Elf / Level 10 / Female. My hobbies are stealing and murdering people & bunnies with bows and arrows. I live to serve Sithis, the lord of the Void.
hows ur poker cup goin
It starts today
gl you're my idol <3 teach me pokerz plx
is the leveling system as messy as in oblivion? i once leveled up 20 restorations levels in a row, worst decision ever
Why is this?
Vanilla Oblivion has a retarded enemy scaling system where almost everything has strength proportionate to the player level. Enjoy Daedric-wearing bandits and legendary holocaust-tier zombie bears if you're high level with non-combat major skills.
woked just fine when being invisible, using daggers xD

but apart from that you were pretty much fucked indeed, getting out of tutorial on highest level, getting rolled by bandits with glass equipment ^^

except you brought enough time to 300-hit them and block when ever you can = profit, glass equipment at the beginning -> enchant making it invisible 90% and get 10% with a spell ;)

.... just you cant finish the game this way, since your char doesn't do enough damage in the end to kill the attackers in time :(
imo not, no matter what you skill goes a higher lvl, you can lvl up with it =) You cant pre pick warrior/mage/archer, you have to do it yourself with the points/perks you get from a "real" lvl up ;)
Not nearly as messy, but there's still some degree of level scaling. Nothing as severe as in Oblivion, though, but still enough to make me reluctant to level Enchanting, Alchemy or Smithing..
enchanting is so fucking great! (get azura's star, level enchanting to 100 -> infinite money, 100% mana cost reduction for one spell class + magic resistance)
How do you use azura's star for that. Don't you have to refill it every time you use it to enchant something?
you dont need it but to level enchanting you could equip a weapon which casts soul trap -> go to a human dungeon -> kill, recharge, kill, recharge and so forth
Does recharging a weapon actually level your enchanting? :O
yep, at least as far as i recall
Tested it, works. Now leveling it with azura's star rather than crafting 1000000 steel daggers.
well... Enchanting, Alchemy and Smithing and using together is the most overpowered thing in Skyrim right now
That is a nordic legendary weapon? Which you can create at the skyforge when you have done enough quests with the companions?
no idea, the process is what the image highlights and has ridiculous results like this:
Holy *** thats alot of dmg, i thought my 1h deadric mace with 100 was good... :P
Sounds like the good old Alchemy abuse from Morrowind is back, but in a slightly different form.
aight, i remember summoning and punching a skeleton in the basement of the mages guild because i didnt want to go outside since i was too close to getting a level up from athletics, aka moving around <_<
no it isnt rly.
i craft a lot which results in it being my highest skill. dont experience any problems in combat tho.
if you have the perks where destruction deals more damage, uses less mana and knocks enemies back + the perks that strong attacks with ur blade deal +50% damage you will never experience a situation in which you get outdamaged.
if you plan ahead (with a nicely equip companion and an atronarch to summon) and carry some potions you will manage just fine.
it seems you dont use alchemie.
it is pretty much obligatory.
Mage playing without weapons, no fast travel and no armour (well boots and gaunts) and 100HP till I hit level 20, after that I'll start upping my HP. Currently building unlimited mana mage :) mostly faggoting and screwing over the AI to stay alive for now, gotta love those rocks, doors,traps and gates. Guess I need +5 more hours to get him to the point where i can spam spells for infinity :)
i'm doing the mage thing but have been putting all my level ups into HP, hp is great to have no matter how you're playing
Yeah, I get one hit all the time :) makes it a challenge though, soon I'll have my 300 base magika and will start investing in health. Gotta have that unlimited destruction mana going first :)
Nord 2h Mace Warrior - DECAPITATING SMALL SONS!! The free weapon and armour training from companions is so broken haha. I pretty much 1 or 2 shot mobs.
just play whatever you find most fun?

also dual wielding one handers is an option for rape dps
can you only dual-wield swords axes and the likes, or also daggers?
dont even know the class, its an human, main weapon = sword + magic power

started yesterday ~ 22h, till now, LOL time passed so fast :O
Got an Destruction + one hand weapon super killer, + enchanting is kewl. but mm, i dunno in my opinion magic is like shit in that game, cos it doesnt do any dmg compared to enchanted swords which have +18dmg frost dmg for example :I im lvl 18 atm, havent played in a few days tho

So, i would make a duelwield sword guy + enchanting and alchemy. it would just destroy oO
take achery , 3 shot dragons.

install dmg multiplier for every weapon mod , dont have to mess around with ugly daggers , light armor and dual wield , backpedaling and dodge

you finished the game.

also playing atm a khajiit .. doesnt go to well rpg-wise (lycanthropie , dragonborn etc) ... gonna reroll wood elf S:
Playing as redguard for only about 10 hours at the moment.

Steam Screenshots - Skyrim

I sneak the majority of the time with my bow & arrow ready. If I get dragged into a fight then my primary is to use shield & sword or maybe a two handed weapon depending on how I fancy fighting that particular battle.

Magic will be used but not for a lot of things. I like the majority of appoaches but I can't be good at all of them so may end up making a second character eventually, although I like the flame atronach and appreciate having someone to fight for you.

I think I like to damage people with my bow and then finish them with my sword generally. I definately want to become adept at stealing then selling as well, then I will be happy.

image: 06487AD930BE3D8DBEA70CD64AF6D43388DC0F90
Lvl 23 High Elf chick using mostly magic with heavy armour in Expert.

High Elves have the highborn power to regain magicka way faster in critical situations.
I also use weapons.
My quick keys are:
1. Dawnbreaker one hand sword (for undead melee)
2. Magnus Staff
3. Elf bow (for long and sneaky approches)
4. Flammes (for random skweers and wolves)
5. Lightning bolts
6. Recovery spell
7. Fire Atronach (useful to take attention off you)
8. Thunder Rune (awesome in big melees)
baggiez is ugly hahah
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