L.A. Noire #2

out for PC, available to buy on TL and shit.

is it worth the money? (13gb of dollars) whats it about and can u shoot loads of people and create chaos like in gta4 or not.

thanksinADVANCE BRO.

image: la-noire

best film 2011

image: dominic-cooper-devils-double
Quoteavailable to buy on TL

the fuck happened with TL
you cannot post warez shit on crossfire so you have to write BUY

sup chosen
Got told you have to respect law and blabla, not really chaos like on GTA, not quite sure tho.
if u like to play sherlock holmes then its ur game otherwise it isnt like GTA4
played it on PS3 and loved it
it´s kinda exciting book
Devil's double ?
bought it from uploaded.to a few days ago.. yet to isntall but i heard its good
Hoping GTA V uses the same facial animation stuff as this.
Hope so too, the tech there is pretty ground breaking :) although from the GTA 5 advert, it does not :( guess it was in production before they finished LA Noire
Hmm that is true :( also the Australian developers that worked on it are still going through legal action :p
played it on ps3, pretty cool tbh!
nothing like gta tho, you can only shoot ur guns when the game wants you to....
not even remotely.
it is a linear puzzle solving game.
not rly focused at shooting action.
Game looks awesome, feels awesome but is à fucking failure.. Boring if u dont like sherlock holmes Style.. Without the humor ofc..
best movie idd, saw it yesterday, LATIF LIKE A BOSS :D
4ego za film
Played it, liked it, but not the slightest similarity to GTA
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