Skyrim Journal of the day

Reached level 40 / 70 enchant / 70 smith / 70 destruction / 70 restoration
Currently at +75 destruction mana reduction :) Will start building my smithing and alchemy outfits soon and build myself a 1000 damage sword soon!
Shouldn't have played hardcore oblivion the week before the release of Skyrim : (
I was playing an archer aswell, went to restore the thief's guild first and mainly leveling my stealth skills. Things were rather hard to kill. Then I decided to powerlevel my smithing and enchanting to lvl 100 to increase my damage somewhat, now I'm lvl 46 and things are just way too easy. Went from being annoyingly underpowered to completly overpowered lol. 220 damage bow already means most things die really fast. Can't take on an army of soldiers though, god knows I've tried.
Increase the game difficulty.
Still way too easy, before leveling those I was used to shoot an entire arsenal of arrows at enemies :p
waiting for that ui mod
nice one. was still lacking 2 of those.
i came to the point where the mods i ahd for oblivion were twice is big as vanilla so i cant imagine what to expect from an even larger community.
They obviously just wanted the game to fit on one DVD for consoles. The textures are just ... shit ? First mods will just enhance those for sure :)
guess they also wanted to make it playable on medicore systems.
but ye history has shown that in a matter if weeks we will have all the textures, all renders, ... pretty much everything rewritten by the modding community.
How exactly do you build 1000 damage weapons? Currently playing a low level two hander/archer/heavy armor/smithing/enchanting Nord rapemachine.
By abusing the game mechanics. You create a fortify alchemy armour set with enchanting, put that on, create a fortify enchanting potion, drink it, create a new fortify alchemy armour set... You get the idea.

It's no fun, though. There was a similar bug (or more like a quirk) in Morrowind, where you created a fortify intelligence potion using Alchemy. Now, since Intelligence was the governing attribute of Alchemy, your alchemy results would be better after you drank the potion, so you drank it, created a new fortify intelligence potion, drank it, repeat.. Until you had tens of thousands of points in intelligence and could create potions that lasted for weeks of real life time and increased your stats by the thousands.

With stats like that, you just oneshot absolutely everything in the game even with the Master difficulty setting. It sort of ruins it.
Yeah one shotting people isn't really much fun if you want some difficulty. Thanks for the info.
Well, if you use that bug you might as well outright cheat using the console. It's not like it makes any difference.
it's almost as fun as 100% chameleon
Haha yeah.

I used to have a mage in Oblivion with 100% Chameleon. I also used the "debuff stacking" bug/quirk with Destruction when I felt like oneshotting guys. It worked like this:

Create three spells, two with weakness to magicka AND weakness to fire 100% on touch, and one with fire damage 100 (or so) on touch. Then chain-cast the weakness spells. They would stack, and the weakness to magicka effect would multiply both of them, eventually leading to the target having like a 3000% weakness to fire and magicka. Then you'd blast them with the damage spell, which would deal ridicilous amounts of damage thanks to the multiplier.
ye, was hilariously easy. Both morrowind and oblivion had those easy to abuse spots. Part of the charm though imo, most of it was possible because you had so much freedom in the spells department. Shame that they chose to remove that this time :(
Is this some fable wnb game?....
Expect massive rage replies.
Can't wait.
I think they're trying to copy WoW or something, I mean, in which other game can you shoot with a bow?
Boom... oh wait!
newbie.. Its a great serie of games with long history..
you surely are no Dovahkiin if i look at your comment
Sounds like a fag.
one of the more refreshing trolls ive seen today
Quote by M'aiq The Liar"People always enjoy a good fable. M'aiq has yet to find one, though. Perhaps one day."
fuck off maybe?
Yeah why not. I'll fuck off to Fable.
sorry but my heavyweight orc is cooler
sup noob. i see you got raped online too much and resorted to beating NPCs.
hahahahahah nice shoot, is that you doing it :P?

game look awesome, going to try play it next week :)
nice video :)
Hmm I got a 2 dagger wiid elve lvl 6 so far.. robbed a whole city, then they caught me and took away everything + 1000 gold fine. nice !

Should I go for light or heavy armor ? guess I will stop using dagger now and use more bows :)
wood elve = light armor sneaky fag...
hurr durr i get smithing to 100 with crafting 1000000 iron daggers , iam also abusing enchanting .... being lvl 5 with a 700dmg warhammer

beth fucked smithing up... go play pure mage on master , enjoy manly tears
can anyone tell me how many dragonspells there are? recently finished the game with over 10 dragon souls left (they are easier to get like least for me, because i am so manly man-manly still i play a girl in skyrim LOL) and alreay got a shitload of dragon spells.
collected 20k septim so far (sure there is some of you that got more, but i still think its pretty much without cheats!) and going to buy a house somewhere. any advices where a good place is?

edit: with "finishing the game" i was talking about finishing the main quest. :P still got a lot of the sidequests going on (feels like there are OVER 9000 of them)
is there a way to "teleport" to other locations quickly?
ofc, "fast-travel"

just click the place or the city on your map where you want to go and click 'yes'. if you have not discovered this place yet, the game asks you if you want to set a marker there.
alright thanks.. any advice for my wood elf archer? Light armor or heavy armor?
For an archer: light.

edit: well ok, hmmm....i think it depends on your personal taste. i personally would prefer heavy armor always to light armor, because i trained my chara to have big endurance so it can take many blasts without dying.
There is an infinite amount of side quests, there are also about 10+ "Shouts/dragonspells" avi, (most of them got 3 levels) I got right now 2 houses (Winterrun or so(dragonsreach) and in the stormcloak main city.
20k septims isnt that much ;)
The house in solitude is 25k WITHOUT the upgrades and the one in windhelm is 12k. My first house was ofcourse Whiterun because there are alot of shops. Second I got was Solitude because its the biggest one. Riften is great if you have done the thieves guild, but it's rather ugly. Windhelm is also a nice house. But with fast travel it doesn't really matter :)

I got about the same amount of souls/shouts, got a few extra souls though. Most Factions give a few shouts along their quests without a dragon near it, which is where you should spend your souls. Also if you need more shouts, just look for the dragon icon when exploring, means there is a dragon + word nearby.
I am at my gf right now, so cant play!!

But I am lvl 28, 100 smithing, 75+ one-handed, 50+ heavy armor, 50 block, around 50 archery aswell.
Got most houses + upgrades atm, lvl 47 finished stormcloaks/main story and managed to get the thieves guild up to it's highest stage (lots of work lol). Got a few skills maxed, but maxing sneak is a bitch, would have been great if I could have taken the shadow warrior perk earlier, now I dont really want/need it anymore.

I rushed through major portions of the game though, so going to take it easy on a second playthough. Saved Mages Guild, Dark brotherhood and most interessting sidequests for this playthrough :)
Maxing out sneak: I bought the first house and went to the room Lydia sits in and just kept sneaking against the wall whenever I was afk^^
' maxing sneak is a bitch '

sneak in a corner, running backwards into a wall. go sleep. receive lvl 100 sneak
Didn't know that still worked. Figured they nerfed it like they did conjuration because I only seemed to level up a certain bit around one person. Guess I was wrong :(
Might download this reminds me of assassins creed
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