Its gaming time

What a great month/time for gaming.
Bought Dungeons Defenders, Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Saints Row 3, Sword of the Stars 2, L.A. Noire and Anno 2070 recently. Also got a Dota2 Key :)
Rly hate that they dont spread releases over the year so that theres actually enough time to play but hey now theres a lot of stuff for the time when there is less awesome stuff comming up..
Waiting for Revelations, Arkham City, Postal 3 (lol) and ofc The Old Republic.

Good times
never seen a bigger nerd
so playing many different games rather than 1 game a lot makes me a nerd?
i think buying them is making you a big nerd :XdD
the only one i see worthy is gonna be postal 3 and bf3
Saint Row is so fucking great
y u no sleep?

e: just started for the first time as ive been busy with the new anno, saw "whored mode" on main menu and ended up being a guy in a bear costume and whacking ever increasingly large waves of whores to death with my gigantic dildo on a stick.
wow... i mean ive played SR2 but... wow
oh and i rly like the music
macht scho spass das spiel

nimm auf jeden zombie als voice und ja bin gestern um 18 uhr penn gegangen und dann um 3 uhr oder so aufgewacht fml
wait, wait... is that? Butchji?

woke up feel like mundo
Revelations has already been launched...
im not into platforms even tho AC is prolly better on them.
:/ me want too
everyones dream! u live it! ;)
na den ganzen tag tausend von spielen. wooow.
ich denke 80% der seite wuerden gern mit dir tauschen bzw mitspielen ;)
den ganzen tag wäre vllt ein wenig übertrieben
Yeah it's a busy gaming time. I hate it and said it myself, between July to now there were almost nothing released, and suddenly everything is been released. You have so many options that it ruins the fun and your patience becomes loose.
Btw, don't listen to razzah, his iq is very embarrassing.
well all that stuff is gonna last me till next year, even with christmas vacation and all that but its hard to get in the spirit of one game if you are constantly hopping from one to the other.
rly wanted to finish skyrim and play nothing but it... didnt happen
I learned long time ago to control it. Yes the idea of hoping from games and/or the options you have in hands are enough to change a games experience completely. It's why I've stopped downloading/buying every game at once and concentrate only on the one I really desire at that moment. It's enough not to have anything else on pc to 'force' you to enjoy your current game's experience.
However, having so many games I'm looking to play at on e, sometimes also forces me to rush I. Th the game os just lose interest, which sucks.
haha thought u finally started to support/like me, but well... i was wrong ;)

gtfo and stop judging me ;(
I don't supper or like anyone. I don't judge you either, am sure you're a different person to the way you make yourself out in here, but you've got to realize the way you act is how you show yourself to the world around you and will react accordingly to it. You can't just be surprised at comments/ judgments towards you, if that's how you introduce yourself to people( to be fair, you sometimes sound line an imbecile 18 years old with empty life. Am talking about zero interest in anything related
To getting the best out of your abilities, and instead jusliving an empty life of clubbing and stupid things, which you're so proud of.)
Bought a game

hahhaha :d Nerd :D
Is there a logic behind your comment?
Buying games is lame :)
It's legal. If it makes one nerd, then ehm...

Depends of course how you define a 'nerd', but taken it as a computer geek, I think it's a lot more nerdy to spend your time and energy to break the copy protections in new games and/or their updates rather than just to walk into a shop and buy the game.

In my opinion illegal downloading is a lot more lame since you're not really thinking anyone else but you, yourself and you. That way the support for the game industry is zero, yet it's so easy to complain about their products. No wonder game companies are turning into making commercial crap so that your so called nerds (aka casual gamers?) would buy their games. :p
Why support videogame companies? All they do is take away human interaction.

But no, it's easier to download a game and just install it for free than walk to the shop. Plus, you finish the SP and it's mostly it. Why pay 60 € for it when you can, for example, buy food or pay rent.
because you wanted to play it. so you have to pay for it.
show some respect
I wouldnt play it if I had to buy it.

Get a life.
haha get money poor fag
Nothing to do with poor or rich you dumb nerd :D

You can use the money for way better things than to buy video games. Pay rent, go out with friends, save money to buy a car? Everything is better than to buy a game.

But maybe for you, because you are fat, you dont have any friends who like to go out or do anything besides videogames, you dont know how to spend money on some normal things like going out with friends. Instead you buy games and stay home alone - wanking and playing games.
haha if you would not play something you would otherwise enjoy because it costs 50€ it means you are poor. deal with it.
i dont need 50 to pay for rent, not to go out, already have a car. there is real amounts of money for that. 50€ is nothing to you if you are not poor.
get money you poor nerd who can only insult people how dont give a shit about 50€. i lose 50€ in my pants and dont even notice it.
I feel sorry for you when you lose 50 € and dont even notice. You really are cool now :D

And yes, I have the spare money to buy the game, but I rather not. It's too idiotic and nerdy to buy a video game.
It is nerdy to play video games.
It is approrpaite to pay for the stuff you use.
But you seem to be a disgusting communist and there are a million things id rather do than to talk to lowlifes like you.
Umm... yea.. you kinda got a point there. Why bother paying 60 euros for a, let's say, 8 hour single player for example when you can as well get it free from ze Internets.

Why bother paying 1,60e per litre for fuel? Not fun but I gotta do it, if I want to drive. Can't steal it or get it from the Internet.

I still think getting illegal downloads is extremely selfish. You just get what you want but you're not really willing to pay any price for it. Yes, I agree gaming industry can be really corrupted from some parts, but unfortunately so are many other things in this world.

Anyway, I didn't talk about which one (buying or dl'ing) is easier but which one is more nerdy. DL'ing and cracking games has definitely more to do with computers than going to a shop and buying the games. As my original intention was to show that you don't really make any sense by calling buying games nerdy. Yet, judging by your comments below, you probably don't give a shit so we could as well end this discussion here.
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