Pokemon world online lal

Anyone have an account for pokemon world online? i want to try it out for nostalgia's sake and the site won't let me register... I waited until the time they are supposed to unlock signups and they didn't so if anyone has an account they don't use I'd appreciate it if you let me use it til I manage to get in.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQY2KXydvY45CpNFVkLWOMW0JTn3tvzph8nbmIgDq6R7NJEteeW3A
Think they changed the url to the registration part because it got overloaded everytime they opened it up. PM zeroE`Zodiac to get a confirmation, he managed to sign up a couple days ago.
websites always crashing on registration times, I mad:<
Girl name?
its shit game anyway
I can make one for you - pm me what username/pass you want
i forgot my pass and can't get new one

me mad and sad ;/
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