mw3 survival

recently ive been playing call of duty modern warfare 3 alot, but mostly special ops -> survival im now level 50 hell yeah.

you guys?
played survival once so far ;D its fun :)
and spec ops is awesome!
is it finally fixxed now?
on day1 it thought ur mate was dead when he was alive and the other way around. also it stopped displaying him after round 5 or something.
not quite sure if i like it as much as nazi zombie
Shit game for shit people.
u dissapoint me bro :<
cos i cant run that game :< AND dont have za money to buy atm
Gotta love all these guys that only flame the game coz they've heard others flame it:)

Anyways, i like it alot, been playing survival in co-op for a while and it's fun so far.
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