problem with my very good laptop

So i have a problem with my laptop, its about 3 years old HP Compaq 615, i already had to change its HDD because it broke down within 2 months after i bought laptop.
After that everything worked "well" if u consider 40 fps in ET well and so, tho i honestly dont give a fuck about gaming for 2 years already so i dont care about that fps shit.
But on this summer it started crashing/freezing when i watched movies, after that it started to freeze randomly when surfing on internet, so step by step i did less things with it.. so i decided to do format c, it was okay until i installed few programs again, then it started throwing me some popups and errors that this and that program stopped working, windows will close this program and so

At the moment i can turn my laptop on.. it loads to desktop, but when i try to start a google chrome for example, it just freezes for some time, doesnt do anything.. and after some time it shows some error "close program"

Whats up with that shitty laptop? HDD fucked up again? Something else? Had 2 formats in 1 month already... so it cant be software shit imo
Must be overheating.
thank you for response :)
Another browser ?
IE doesn't work either, plus many other programs, its not about the browser, something in software or hardware is fucked up... i will try to clean up my laptop today if i get a screwdriver, maybe its overheating like burneddi said
yea clean it, perhaps the fan is not working properly anymore. It also can be the TIM on the cpu/gpu that needs replacing.
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