[BE] Day 526 without a government

All is still fine though. Guess Americans would be jealous of us.

image: guldensp
From what i've read this a good example.. a case of study actually :D
yeah this is belgium tho, there isnt really much to manage anyway
no in fact we have the most complicated administrative system world wide
yeah, i know it, but its just so complicated because its so retarded
nobody can beat this record!
Di Rupo going for a /quit

=> not finished yet :)
going for the 1000!
belgium is just a cheap version of NL/france anyway
Government is overrated anyway.
Di Rupo ? sounds like a bad dj...
that is nothing to be proud of.
Your country is in an aweful state
In college we had a case study. Turns out it actually IS something to be proud of. In countries with similar problems, it always turned into a civil war followed by a division of the two parts. Perhaps it made Belgium into a prime example of Kafkaesque in some way, but I prefer this over what happened or would happen in other countries.

I would rather pride myself over being able to delegate than over being able to wage a civil war.
21st century civial war in a european country.
yeee right
It happened rather often in the early and late 20th century. But if you want to predict the likelyhood of a thing like that based on the 11 years that this century has been going, go right ahead.
id rather base it on the experiences our ancestors made in the early 20th century.
mankind is greedy and dumb and all sorts of things but we europeans seem to have learned that killing one another isnt the best solution to our problems.
I agree. But this conflict isn't new and it came really close to civil war a few times between 1830 and now. I was commenting on Belgiums history and the current state not the current state alone. And since the current state is a direct consequence of the systems put in place in previous eras when civil war was a possibility, it is nothing if not very relevant :)
Why no goverment?
because the north hates the south and the other way round. the country is a political mess and some argue that it should be split amongst holland and france.
we don't want them!
please holand would be grateful to take us
if you dont know it, dont speak
i dont live in belgium but id assume i know quite a lot more about politics than you do.
you obv know shit about belgian politics.
you 2 seem to be living in the poor part
you shouldn't talk when you dont know what you are talking about.. it only shows off how dumb you are.

and for the record: i live in flanders
it's a bit more complicated m8
who need governement anyways ?
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