sleep place eindhoven [nl]

since I'll be going to the STRP festival in eindhoven next saturday, I'm looking for a place to sleep.

What are the cheapest options in eindhoven? hostel/hotel etc

also, anyone else going?

looking forward to seeing amon tobin's ISAM along with aphex twin and the others :)

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image: datasss
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cu there
/q dev`Rockskin for a free sleeping place
I wanted to go for the same people aswell. Must see Amon Tobin sometimes!

Already seen Aphex Twins and that was pretty brilliant aswell
bij mij in bed
echt? ik ga wel met 1 maat mee nog, maar als we ergens gratis op de bank ofzo kunnen pitten, top!
nee sorry man, als ik naar dat feest was gegaan dan had t wel gekund! Maar niet echt mijn ding ;x
En anders Holiday Inn denk ik, zit tegenover het station.
fuck you, i want to see aphex
image: oi5gdw

want to see rusty too...
LFO TOO, i'd also go watch beardyman, that would probably be intersting
the party ends at 7am????
like all good parties should! its pretty normal here aswell
2 early but it also starts early as i can see. i mostly never go to club before one a clock :o
here, it normally is 11 - 6/7! I like it that way so I can take the first train back home :D
ahaha i remember when some guy came from lan and missed hiss plane, wandering through eindhoven he got robbed by a niggah xD
ja dacht ik ook aan, ik zocht de journal nog maar kon hem zo snel niet vinden
ik ben zaterdag zaalvoetballen / uit xD als ik alleen thuis was had je wel mogen blijven
Wat is dat nou weer voor Kutfeest? -_-'
Is it possible to order #2?? Just for one night is ok :D
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