Starting a new life.

I just did it. Left my family, friends and appartment behind and now I'm immigrant in Ireland!

Was a bit tired of Belgium, so when I got the opportunity to come work here in Dublin I did not have to think long. Will be working as a 'Dutch Technical Support Agent', or in other words 'Customer Service agent for people who have problems with their HP computer'. Most of you will think it's a crappy job, but I didn't come here for the job. The experience of living abroad for a while had me enchanted for years now. I'm glad I took the opportunity when it presented itself.

Anyone with a similar experience (e.a. moving to another country as an adult) or toying with the idea?

Annonyance #1: They have different plugs & power sockets in Ireland, wtf! My new employer sent me 20 pages of information concerning life in Ireland and not once did it mention they have different plugs here!
I'm glad you done took grabbed that opportunity.
Haha, I wanted to use a dutch expression but I didn't and forgot to remove that word. Hope you had fun with it.
It made my day infinitely better.

Good luck, brah.
Wish I could do something similiar :(
that sure is a big step, good luck!
shut the fuck up
Rhand why are you leaving your social life (friends,familiy) for work in Ireland? Because your tired of Belgium LOL
whats the lol about, bro
It's his life isn't it... if I was about to make that move I would sure not let me hold back by an opinion of some negative person without proper arguments.. and I will give you one advice... live your own life don't let it be blurred by others, because I get that feeling you care a lot about feedback in stead of living your own dreams/ambitions. No offence.
you carry on grabbing that done took opportunity
Kiss my ass.
oh wtf I'm so jelly of u bro :/

I am gonna try to get a job there once i'm done with school over here (which unfortunately will be another 1,5 years). I was on vacation in ireland summer 2010 and I've been thinking of moving over there ever since :p

wish you a lot of fun and good luck with the job!
good luck peeling turkeys at -10c
good luck :)
Yeah, I want to do something like that one day as well.
Good luck :)
been having somewhat similar thoughts about moving out of here for a while now, kinda stuck & need something new...even if temporarily.
I can get you a job at Oulu, np! Start packing already!
what kind of job would it be? :D
Full time alcoholic
Only sure would be some cleaning-thingies, unless you know any bartending. But it pays good enough to live and eat.
my gf is a bartender, could make her work and live like a king!
Doubt you'll be able to live as a king with the wage of a bartender!
come to ireland mans we can get womans and has teh sex
hah, and sing 'land down under' together!
hahah of course!
Nickje: Rhand is starting a new life after a drugs incident with his friends/familiy. He used to many drugs (cocaine,mdma) in the weekend. His work and social life is going down about his drugslove.

Was that serious?
you should become a writer.
Have you never stayed with UK people at LANs with all our uk->eu power converters?

If you're still there next year then I'd recommend - oh and I also hope you can handle yr guinness. Enjoy brah.
oxegen > picnic
i can get job at picnic but not at oxegen :(
Guinness is like water, you can drink as much as you want and you dont get proper wasted.

Its kinda sad.
living the dream n shit, nice. how long are you planning to stay?
2-5 years, but who knows how I feel in a few months.
enjoy your tullamore
Why not Canada or Australia? Ireland is as screwed as most of Europe :D
Because a company from Ireland, and not Canada or Australia, offered me a job :-)
but they are poor :'(
So am I, I will fit in just right!
Yea, might move away to America / UK after study, not sure yet where i want to end up but i'm seriously considering it (:
ja en hoe weet jij waar ik woon? ;D
Otyg on 22/11/11, 16:11:02 PM | Report | Reply

/q dev`Rockskin for a free sleeping place

to bad i will be highly educated before i move :P:P
too bad* :D
too(seehwatididthere?) much work , typing from my phone
UK is too expensive. Ironically I'm thinking of moving to NL to further my studying...

Well yeah, i'm talking after my study ^^
Spent a year working in the UK near Box Hill and it was awesome. Only had a week in Ireland but as fun as Dublin was, have to say the west coast is the place to go if you want to relax for a weekend.
awesome! id love to go to america after finishing american studies here, first year now
Seriously I'm gonna do same shit at some time.. bored here as well :D
Study is rather fucking expensive in other country though, perhaps better to start some small business somewhere for me.
Best of luck in Ireland, saw a pint is 4,50 euro there though :/

Need country with some positive economic future !!
china, they are going to rule the economy world, well they already do
Well, setting up business or just working in Asia can be quite good, and life is cheap there! But point is; Asia actually is the only continent which I'm not really interested in... just personally cause it can be a great place.

Russia cheap place to study but only in Russian language, and I'm not that good with it :(

Ireland cool place, shit economy. UK makes me feel depressed already before going to it.
South-America, Spain and Portugal; languages easier to learn but erghhh... not really good economies either.

USA and Australia damn expensive to study :(
Well but in America you don't really need a graduation to have a well paid work
Studying in Fintardistan is free.
Good choice dude, I hope you can enjoy it!

I hope to man the fuck up and move to a country that has a future, or at least one where I can make some money and live a life style I'd like.

I want to got to Australia.
what happened to holland
Well you dont have a good enough yield of materials suitable for exports. Sorting my application for Utrecht out this week, will tell you how it goes! :)
you dont have a good enough yield of materials suitable for exports
be aware of crocodiles :D
I don't think Australia would be a good choice for you
Why is this, Baggiez?
3 of my closest friends have either traveled to Australia for an extended period of time or currently live in Australia. From their experiences, and without meaning to generalise the entire population ... Sport is HUGE. Way more influential than sport is here in the UK, and as far as I know, you're not a massive sport guy. Also, guys are jocks. Massive jocks. Crude, ass slapping, beer swilling, gambling, jocks. Not really your kind of people.
I plan to travel it first, to see if I enjoy myself over there enough or if I need to keep my search open.

Those are not my sort of people, no. I really don't see myself living over here though after I (hopefully) graduate. If all fails I'll try myself travelling as a barman.
Gl man.

I thought about studying abroad, but in the last few years some things happened that made that impossible atm.
cool man sounds good
gl :) ireland is a very nice country
yeah, if you like potatoes
it was, because of amount of poles there ireland became a somehow antipole country :D but for rhand it may be a great country
not antipole at all! The polish took the jobs that the irish were to proud to do during the boom.. and unlike the nigerians they actually work. <3 the polish
like in uk proverbal sink
I'm going to HongKong from September on (if everything works out fine).
A good friend of my Dad has got a company with and their Asia Department is in HongKong, so I plant on going there to "help out" in their management, like an internship, getting money+flat for it tho.
Want to do that for 7-9Months and after that travel the world (mainly Asia+Australia) for an other 2-3 months, university afterwards.
oh wow gl. big step. i could never do it cause i would miss my family and friends too much
but all the best to u
I was already working twice in Norway, only season work tho.

I wish I could do the same as you, I mean move to another country and stay there for a while. gl
Starting a new life.
Very funny :D
that was so obvious I was surprised nobody did this before :D
haha wsk did a funny
haha etnies thought it was funny
Adventures of an impulsive hippie: Part II

*grabs popcorn*
good luck man, i think i wouldnt have the balls to move somewhere all alone :D
Nice move, wish you the best of luck. Will be in Paris from Jan - April, in Oxford from Apr - Jul. If luck favours me and bestows me either with a PhD. place or some fortuitous scholarship, I might continue studying, if not, I sure as hell am hoping for an international job offer as well. :)
Witty AND intelligent, wauw.
Actually my friend did the exact same thing as you did, but he moved to spain and is now HP support advisor there :D
like it is so much better in other countries.

you will find out its same shit
Sounds pretty good, best of luck to ya m8.
I always envy and respect people who dare make that choice!
i wanna live in sweden and bang all the blonde chikes
Hey Rhand, good to see youve arrived. Give a PM when you settled in so we can drink 6 cans of Dutch gold for €7. Where are you staying btw?
Moat Lodge in Lucan. What a hopeless town, there's absolutely nothing here. Except the 4 betting agencies/casinos. What the fuck.
Ha, ye, its pretty bad. Most towns on the outskirts of Dublin are like that, so get used to it.
The free wifi at my b&b is fucking terrible, 5 kbs or something. God, I hope I find a proper apartment soon.
Its actually not a bad place - When are you moving to an apartment?
Going to Dublin centre tomorrow for an Irish simcard (if you know where I can get one in the centre, without having to get a 'subscription' tell me), some power adaptors and to visit a few apartments. I hope one of those visits is succesful.
Henry street would be the best destination. Most phone shops will give you a free sim card. There are only 3 networks really o2, meteor and vodaphone. All 3 have a shop on henry street. Youll be able to get all the adapters there too.

In Smithfield?
Smithfield? What? If your getting the luas, get of at abbey street. Henry street is behind abbey street. Smithfield is empty with regards to shops.
I used google maps and it pointed me towards a Henry Street in Smithfield. Or close too, I'm not familiar yet with the neighbourhood boundaries! :D

But a second check confirms we're talking about the same street. Will be at Merrion Sq tomorrow morning so I'm going on foot to Henry Street.

Cheers for all the help, saves me a lot of looking around!
Smithfield would be relatively close to Henry street, but completely different. You will definitely enjoy that walk.
One last question, do you have any idea how much a busride from Lucan Village to Merrion Sq would cost me? I've been looking at the website but it says "Fare stages: 23-77 Merrion Sq & 44-56 Lucan Village" and I have no bloody idea how to interpret those numbers :x
don't leave Three out!! :)
Are you working in HP in Maynooth??
HP @ Leixlip yeah.
haha my gf's mum and stepdad are managers there! Im gonna apply there next may when i finish college! :)
Starting a new chapter in life by moving somewhere far is something I can recommend to everyone! GL HF mate.
Welcome Rhand,found a couple of the electric bikes if you looking for one still.
Doubt I can pay it. Only have a budget of 250€ so I think I'm going for a proper 2nd hand bike from Dublin Bike Man.
meet sol and shake his hand

#1 priority in Ireland
Awsome, i wish i can do the same in 2 years :)
Why would you move to the currently shittiest place in Europe? Its worse than Greece financially from what I understand... ;(

gl tho
wrong, Ireland still has a huge amount of IT jobs.. we have low corporation tax which means a lot of businesses have their headquarters here.
Good luck, enjoy it!
have to do a 6 months internship somewhere, so if I can find a spot in a foreign country Im out of here :D
spend a year in the usa. definatly worth it. such a good experiance to live somnewehre else and work there and stuff
Where in the US and what did you do?
Maine. And i did my usual job which is service technician for shoemachines. our us agent rented me from my company :)
Best of luck Rhand! gonna do smth similar soon too :P
This is an example of not having and everr meeting any girl :)
Producer of bullshit ?? :)
good luck i think you made a good decision, when you go out on your own you become braver at meeting new people and shit. Just get through the winter, the UK isn't the nicest place in the winter :p
ok well, dublin is technically not in the uk because its not in northern ireland, but whatevs
I am aware of this yes :)
oh yeh i just checked your flag ha :P
Winters in Dublin are actually much nicer than the ones I'm used too. Warmer and dryer!
Well actually I would never do smtg like that... did you had real family problems or what? How you can get tired of Belgium? Whats wrong there many people also have no problem living there.. anyway good luck on your way, hope you'll do the right.
No problems with the family, I like em all very much. But as I said, I've been dreaming of travelling, living and working abroad for years. I also did not have a job or a girlfriend, so not much really tieing me down in Belgium.
And family is not that far, 1 hour by plane.

About Belgium, well every country has it's problems obviously but my bin was overflowing when it came to Belgium. The politics, the mentality of most people, the super duper multiculturalist politically correct attitude, the treating football fans as animals, it became too much.

In a few months I'll see if I made the right choice or not.
Alright, really interesting to hear that! I wish you best of luck!
good luck
You will have a awesome time! Fucking love Dublin! :D
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