23 Nov 2011, 14:57
Scorch is a legend just wanted to share this awesome stuff
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
other than that, dream frag :P
but deffinitely not during the times he played on lans, where he actually didn't play bad, and so on. And jaN who made the video deffinitely never touched a cheat
jaN hat euch nerds (die 24/7 spielten aber tzd nix großen gewannen) 2007 (oder wars 2008?) ziemlich heftig gecarried bei highbot, problem officer?
hör auf einen auf fanboy zu machen und sei einfach mal objektiv..
da kann man das "brain als eng" besonders gutz sehn^_^
nice defending a cheater tho!
1. you could do the same lod-bias stuff with some old nvidia drivers
2. The nvidia driver changes the way that ET looks like as well.. so no driver anymore?
3. Sound driver & equalizer change the sound of ET too. You can even make your smg shooting more quiet and steps more noisy.
But I agree with you.. making models "glow" due to rivatuner shouldn't be allowed. As well as the lod-bias stuff. Actually people should be forced to ask admins about such stuff before they do it. Either they will give an okay or not. If they don't ask and then get banned it's their own fault.
oh boy i remember like it was yesterday when i was laughing at jaN's lan skilldrop
wo hängt der jetz eig immer ab? fehlt mir schon :'/
Problem officer?
There have been more obvious demos/avi's of him.