Omnibot training


I was wondering if it is possible to start up a map in ET then add bots on an aimmap (purefrag for example) when i don't have internet access to play online

Would be nice :X
good way to train your aim ;)
That's why I said it'd be nice :D
well i tried it with "bobot" (a bit like omnibot) but honestly i didnt know how to set them up :D
install, launch Bobot-xx.exe, push ESC, select Add 9 Axis and 9 Allied bots... so hard? :D
i still didnt figure out the waypointing, they didnt move out of spawn last time i tried :p
I guess cause it was an unsupported map.. try smth like standard Goldrush or Adlernest, otherwise you will have to create waypoints..
no that's what i mean...waypoint :) i tried in supply and still not working :P
supply has waypoints already, why would you wanna create some there? :o
Well basically were no waypoints.... in other words they were standing at spawn lolez
you have to check for the correct version of supply, I think it only works on supplydepot.pk3 not on supply.pk3 or supply_depot.pk3..
I will try thanks...and how about waypoint? I didnt understood how to create it:..
use bobots, skill is decent on level 5, easy to install but I think they need some waypoints to walk, but its easy to create them..
hint: you dont have to pracc, you will be one of the best active players soon anyway :))
just be pro like me
if the maps have bot waypoints, sure. have to play some random mod though, not etpro compatible
they dont use sprint and they always walk the exact same path :Y
Sounds like sonaR who was busted by SLAC playing deli
u would have to make your own waypoint script etc to bad a mate of me lost all his awesome ET data regarding et servers configs tricks etc :S
You'll be done after 5 minutes though.
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