Crossfire LoL team

So, now when there is this team thingie in LoL I've created a team for us!

Goal is to play sometimes for the luls
Fill these requirements and you're in!

-1400 elo
- Dont rage.

Lineup so far
-NetherlandssaKenji (3:46): nationscup winner - <Insert random role and hope he doesent feed>
-FinlandNiki0o - AD carry only.
-NetherlandsFutimojo - Troll

If you want to be part of this fantastic team add me in LoL WEST: Niki0o and pmme

ps. Invited some people from my friendlist already. Accept the invites or you're forced to go bot lane with saken.
cba to lvl up to 30 and play ranked :(
I have 900 ELO but I'm still really good, I think I should be added. I also never rage (ok, I do, but not in the textual chat!).
Nick is Brndd
This guy is an absolute beast with Evelynn
<Niki0o king of 5v4's>
I just had a HoN pub game where my team fed a lot and someone would badly try to 1v5 everytime or not go b at all despite us having wards and even seeing the whole enemy team coming through forest just wtf.. Our first concede vote was placed by a guy who was 4 or 5 levels below my char. I told em relax as i had 3:0 already and just won the game with a lot of help from my lanepartner. Greedy opponents really motivate!
But i fuckin hate HoN and LoL is even worse.
Please send me a dota 2 beta key kthxbb
Thank you for sharing this nice story of your public Heroes of Newerth game.
let me think about it.... no
hab schon einen :D
What is ELO and where can i find it?
had t carry mt team yesterday so hard :S, to bad i had cho gath against me else i won instead of my team
Support only no elo.
I have never played ranked but im probably the best one here

like u are in EE?
i really like those people who just play 1 position
I play AD carry for my "actual" team aswell so why not?

In solo que I play roles what are needed aswell.
how many teams can u join ?
Dunno, I guess smth like 5+. You can propably find it somewhere at forums
5 , strx potje gemen?
I could join but I'm on east/north and not that ELO, so... :(
play vs edified gayming as prac le real pro's
Need someone to duo with /q m1ke or add Cor73xX
3on3 NC carried by joshua doesn't count
saKen overrateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
i'm jungler support/tank ( Alistar ) carry AP, solo top.
I'm multiclasser
i was 1400 elo in season 1 cba to play ranked in season 2, just waiting for the noobs to be placed where they must be.
can play solo top, jungler, support, ad carrier wtv u want, add JustinBaby
u r on wrong server, pulssi the proskillz0r is playing on other server ;'<
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