Wulf movie recomandations

can I has one ore more good NEW (not older than a year) ET movie recommendations?

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New k1ck movie that was supposed to be out today. Went to bed early yesterday AND woke up early today just to watch it. If you can't find it it's cause it's not posted and subbi is a dirty dirty liar.

Generally though all movies by this guy: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=6582
k1ck movie sounds intedezting... will it be uploaded here? http://phaloid.wippiespace.com/
unfortunately its not possible to sort movies by date on this page.
lold at the last pic :D
The dESIRE of Bruceh
slurp slurp slurp :{D
http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=1383 if u like shit movies

also try woody and nothing more by requem, best intro in the Et movies ever :)
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